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Thinking out loud again.

There is a common cliche among apologists which goes. “You need religion because you can not derive morals from reason or science.”

Well if you come up against that argument, here goes for one, perhaps not very good example, but at least short, and easy. I am sure there are many better ones, but you only need one example, that is enough to refute the argument.

Question. Do I wish to be happy, safe, and content ? Answer. Yes.
Question. Do I think it more likely that I shall be happy, safe, and content, if I live in a world where most people are happy, safe and content ? Answer. Yes. (You could encounter a fool who will answer. "Not sure" But just move on. )
Question. Therefore, is it worth making investment in a generally happy safe and content world ? Do you know of any others, preferably short neat ones, that can be used ?

Fernapple 9 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Studies on toddlers (14-24 months old) have shown they exhibit helpfulness, empathy, and care for others religion involved or needed.


My usual route is to show that morals can't come from a holy book. For instance, if the bible says that you should stone your disobedient son to death (it does), if you don't do it, it can only mean that you used your internal moral compass to decide that was an immoral action. If that somehow doesn't work, then I ask how they can square that with the commandment not to kill. How can something be a moral authority if it contradicts itself?
If they can't see the truth after that, they are far too stupid for me to spend any more time on.

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