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Putin announced Russia will help Palestine.
Imagine US has given Israel 250 $ billion and Ukraine 200 $billion, How is this helping humanity or Americans? It only takes $20 Billion to stop homelessness here. Then refugees have 5 million tents in Syrian and soon Gaza a million and no where to go. Muslim Refugees come to European countries and Canada to a tune of 5% of it's population. For now many of these humans have to live under tents also. We were building housing faster in the 70s. I build self substantable tiny house communities, and they block me from helping.

Is this kind of reasoning, not just evil?


Castlepaloma 8 Dec 14

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You did see the UN vote? The whole world is against Israel's "we have the right to defend ourselves" war in Gaza. It is the US that is isolated now in its support. Putin just had a very warm welcome in the Arab states, Blinken was ignored. Russia gives grain to Africa. China/ BRICS construct infrastructure as aid, no strings attached or threat of sanctions.
Putin is just being consistent, supporting resistance to an ethnic cleansing of their own population by a nation state. Exactly the same as in Ukraine after the Minsk agreement was conducted in bad faith by Western powers, the time used to arm Ukraine for the planned confrontation with Russia. Thankfully Nuland's plans have not succeeded.

puff Level 8 Dec 14, 2023

A week after October 7th, about 65% were pro Israel. Most of the world were not aware of what really went on with Palestinians apartheid and Occupation for 75 years and most recent war well Podcasted. Netanyahu only keeps on with this martial law to save his skin, being charged with pass war crimes. I wonder if he will become the next hide and seek world champion, like Bin Laden

@Castlepaloma I think Israeli's will neck him as soon as conflict is over. Why he is keen it continues and expands, a very dangerous man. Like Zelenskyy, he would like to draw others in and considering his lack of endeavor to ensure hostage release, a false flag event to escalate would be of no surprise. Mossad would be into it; breaking the law. Very scary Israel has nukes.
Quite a bit coming out of all the forewarning there was of an Attack of this nature from Hamas. Perhaps the false flag has already occurred by purposely sitting on hands in the face of an imminent threat? Jan 6th, Oct 7th..........................wonder what month the 8th will become a significant date from a "surprise" event no-one could foresee coming?

@Castlepaloma Israeli's are to be very blunt, very arrogant. They love to shout "antisemite" to any who dare question their god given right to do whatever they want.
I was against Hamas for the atrocities conducted that day as were most, Israel had my support. That vanished when the civilians in Gaza started getting slaughtered and I can remember the exact moment; when I read 500 children had been killed by the IDF in Gaza which horribly did not take long at all.
I did always understand what made them lash out, the occupation and apartheid system imposed on them. I never cried too much for the settlements that were attacked as they were established by force so fuck them. The price of occupation.
In a cold hearted way, I give it to Hamas to what they did, which was bring this intolerable occupation back to the world's attention and "allow" Israel to show it's true self to others. They resist occupation so I admire them for that. Their methods...........a lot of propaganda as to what actually happened but targeting the festival/ civilians I cannot condone. Settlers......fuck 'em as they chose where they lived; stolen land. Hamas did also kill a lot of IDF and I have no sympathy for Israeli IDF occupiers; seen too many clips of broken children's hands/ arms and them being shot running away by IDF "heroes". That peaceful "Right of return" march a few years back where the IDF sniped them from behind a wall, unarmed protesters, so no sympathy for any IDF casualties. Occupiers.
I can't help thinking what it is like to be a Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank. You grow up in constant threat, losing friends and relatives as the years pass. Getting unjustly arrested is almost a right of passage. Seeing arms and fingers being broken by soldiers, have them raid your home at night and spit at you. Can't travel freely. Makes you wonder; How many of us would be Hamas (minus the religious bollocks) if our country became occupied like Gaza?
Don't like Hamas, too radical. But so is Zionism and they feed off each other so get rid of both of them. I support freedom of belief so secular states, not theist ones like Israel. So do the majority of all religious folk thankfully. Kudos to those of the Jewish faith who oppose Zionism loudly, same to Muslims who condemn extremist Islamic beliefs.

@Castlepaloma 🤣 as it currently won't accept that emoji on your reply.
Just like the WWII Nazis hiding in the Americas, pedophilic Catholic priests in Belgium monasteries & the Vatican there will be Zionist Jews the world over who will be happy to hide N. If he's not in prison I'm sure that Trump will accomodate him!

@Castlepaloma, @puff if you haven't already read this article it gives very telling insight to one of the Hamas founders -

"Al-Rantisi and Yassin were assassinated in 2004 by Israel. Al-Rantisi’s widow, Jamila Abdallah Taha al-Shanti, had a doctorate in English and taught at the Islamic University in Gaza. The couple had six children, one of whom was killed along with his father. The family’s home was bombed and destroyed during the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza known as Operation Protective Edge. Jamila was killed by Israel on Oct. 19 of this year."

@FrayedBear You just know what the irony will be. What's the definition of stupidity again? Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result "This time".

Ukraine 2.0, that's what Israel will become. A "righteous" war, fighting for their freedom and democracy and backed, encouraged fully by the US, seeing an opportunity it may advance it's own interests by weakening others, deemed the "aggressors". They are not exactly the same conflicts, but similar enough.

Both started by attacking their own people (occupation) within their own borders.
Both state military powers are backed 100% by the US. "Unwavering support".
Both are seeking genocide of culture within their borders
Both could be stopped by the US by ceasing funds.
Both will result in the US not achieving any desired aims
Both will result in the destruction of the nations as we knew them

Similar enough.

@puff from Korea though Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Chile, Argentina, & a host of others to Ukraine & Gaza it has been nauseously the same. I just hope that BRICS will withstand them.
I found it interesting that SBS has recently shown a couple of old Peter Seller's movies on similar topics - "Dr Strangelove" & "the Mouse that Roared" - hopefully in regard to the last mentioned, prophetic.

@FrayedBear Good movies


Hamas leaders say they waged their Oct. 7 attack on Israel because they believed the Palestinian cause was slipping away, and that only violence could revive it. Much of October 7 was lies from Israel with beheaded babies, rape and many of their Israelis killing their own citizens in all the crossfires.
No heros, only victims.

American or European are champions of killing brown countries or nations from , centro, and south American, And 500 years of native Americans and Middle Eastern. I have updated very little tears for Zionist and American patriotism imperialist with Hollywood and media, operation white wash.

Dropping leaflet a day before bombing and where most didn't get one. Is worst than the dropping bombs and bread in Iraq , which now they are killing Palestinians at a faster rate. This is going horrible for Israel as well, they may have stop in the New year from all the worldwide bad Israel images.

It's a cold Israel occupation war, where israel treats Palestinians lower than the poorest African nations. Lower than blacks of South African apartheid. Or almost as low as Nazis with jews, and the bully hand me downs. The war didn't start at Oct 7 til now. Although the rate of kills is close to 20 to one ratio of death. Like the pass 75 years 20 to one ratio kills.

Can't imagine myself ever killing anyone in my life time. By some kind of sick imagination, putting myself in their shoes. if any group of people killed 20 members of my family tree. And I couldn't kill a least one of them, in order to protect my family. I would really suck at being a solid part of the family, Palestinians love their family very much so and like Zionist love money. Obviously I would move my family to where most Palestinians are safer to living in the other 32 refugees Countries they live in.

If ZIONIST, (fake jews) claim all of Palestine as the sacred holly lands. Why can't the Vikings reclaim Britain in the name of Thor God? That is how religious is used as a tool for the mad greedy. And how Israel has one the most billionaires per capita in the world. Although many Zionist don't live in Israel. No worries, I'm not against anything, thats part of the problem. Just not for some things like killing mostly women and children. I might settle for two leaders in a death cage match, probably pay better too.


I'm sure Putin would provide transport of Hamas/Gazans to Crimea. Full employment!!! They can fight the Azov Battalion! (or join it). Like Putin, Hamas/Gazans prefer to target civilians; no indiscriminate bombing at all. And like the Wagner Group, they all enjoy rape, murder, desecration of the dead, and kidnapping children (of all ages). Think of the great stories they can share...


Putin hasn't taken sides, where US has been unable to make any peace between Palestinians and Israel for 75 years, only worse and worse. Putin has become more nutural or a better mixer in the middle east. Nobody enjoys terrorism, genocide more then Israel killing Palestinians at 20 to one ratio. Or American killing in 14 Muslims coutries a ratio of a 1000 to one. Great at genocide brown Counties and the American natives too.

No kidding yourself, facts and evidence are well recorded.

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