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There is a huge difference between what the truth and one own truth. The truth is what actually true. One own true has so much flaws in it, and most everyone keeps searching for their own truth, that is why the truth is so hard to come out, and it is out of whack. Because of most everyone keeps searching for their own truth, that is why we can not get along so much, too much chaos in the society because of this.
Can we PLEASE try and search for THE TRUTH instead of personal truth. We would be so much more united and very helpful to each other in our own and the whole as to the search that is THE TRUTH. And life is much more PEACEFUL than what it already right now.
This would be a good starting point for us to united, and when more of us know that knowledge is the most important thing in life as an intelligence being, That would be greater. Because knowledge is what get us to understand and know better. There is nothing can substitute that.

TuyTran888 6 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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If by THE TRUTH you mean probable truth in agreement with science then I am totally with you. Trying to find your own truth, like religious people who only back it up with faith, is deceiving yourself and causes divisions.

I am not just going to agree on anything that claimed in the name of science, because there are too many pseudosciences out there, I would investigate such information or such claim to see how factual or logical it be. In order to do that you have to know what science and a lot more about it you can not just believe it at all, Science is meant for anyone to believe but to understand.

@TuyTran888 I don't disagree with you. But nobody has the time, energy, etc. to search out every scientific finding. So my best guess for anything will usually be what the scientists have come up with. It's not "my truth" and I don't count it as infallible, just a convenient assumption.

@TuyTran888 And I already know I am lazy 🙂

@thislife so you are just a believer.

@TuyTran888 I am a believer that the findings of science are a better bet than myths. That's all. The answers that science comes up with aren't always right, and scientists/people in general will never reach the end of finding out.


My sentiments exactly.


You call out for change but offer NO suggestion how to do it. As an example to show you the absurdity of your statement - replace "the truth" with "my religion" and "one's own truth" with "your religion". Would you still make that statement? All you are saying is stop having your own thoughts, just agree with me as I know the TRUTH.

Many (if not all) people when they search for THE TRUTH as you put it. Part of the problem is that humans are purely logical, abstract thinkers. The human psyche is much more complicated so we have things like the Dunning-Kruger effect where people with a little knowledge of a subject think they know so much about it rather than how little they know about it.

Throw in things like confirmation bias (reacting more positively to news that comports to one's own conclusions) and cognitive dissonance (the ability to hold conflicting views at the same time) and you can start to see the cause of why people searching for truth can end up in very different position, even when examining the same set of facts.

There are a couple of quotes by Feynman that I like (and might apply here):

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.

Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers of the preceding generation.

Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.

The problem (warning, broad generalization ahead) is that many people are uncomfortable with doubt and uncertainty. It is more calming to believe in absolutes as less thinking is required of them. Marx was onto something when he stated:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

So rather then just blanket call out people for doing the "wrong" thing and coming to the wrong conclusion. It is much better to offer tools and techniques, suggestions and advice to help people change.

There are a lot of things that you want to discuss, and I do have a lot of explaining to do. But I stated that we need to focus on searching for the Truth instead of our personal truth, Then would I announce my truth or my religion as truth? I would be an idiot, wouldn't I? Just by we starting to agree on searching for the truth, our mind already aligned more? and went we debate, discuss, or even argue, We can't use our own personal view as evidence, we would have to use fact base where it is already proven or we have to prove it, instead of saying I believe so it must be true. These silly lines like those that you listed, personal interest, bias, stereotype, we need to identify it and we can not use it in debate or discuss as the evidence to our claim, and we all must start to learn to use The Burden of Proof. We can not demand other to prove but when our turn we deny it, which I see a lot of atheists do. That is hypocrisy, That is being stupid. Theist do not use the Burden of Proof which makes them stupid, so to be fair anyone does not do it is being stupid as well, no exception for anyone. With the more of people understand these things and a lot more, too much for me to write in here right now. But it would help our debate, discussion, argument a lot less wasting time, and no usefulness to it. A lot of these debates that we do right now is same as we debate whether the sun is there or not, and it is very stupid but most idiots do not see it, they think that is a great thing. Now, If you would break it down a smaller question, It would much easier for me to explain.

Please keep in mind I am not here to dictate, preaching, teaching, or advice, I am sharing information and at the same time I also gathering information as well.

@TuyTran888 I agree this is a complex topic. Boiling down my comments based on your response...I believe everyone is focusing for the TRUTH (as you put it), it is just that people are unaware of the traps one can fall into while on that search that leads to the appearance of "personal truth".


Searching for our own truth is why we're all atheists. Put a crucifix in your profile picture and this sounds like a pure Christian rant.

Nope not all atheist are that stupid. I guess you never heard of or if you do you haven't understood what it means by " Getting on the giant shoulder so your view can be wider".

Did you learn your language and speaking and most of your daily life routine on your own, or you get that from others? Lack of thinking make a lot of foolish statement.

@atheist Now, try to advance that from old timers, stack those giants up and you get a much greater view. and that is how you get to the knowledge is cumulative over time.

Searching for their own truth is what Christians do as well. This is why current Christian beliefs are so far removed from what Jesus (or his literary creator) actually taught. It's also why most self identified Christians don't go to church.

@UnityBrad And yet so many atheist still do the same.

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