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What and Why is it important for a Christian to Understand what an atheist believes?

DavidLaDeau 8 May 5

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In time all men will know the truth. That the Universe is eternal and infinite, and that mans evolution is just part of a natural cycle. And that life is a gift from the Universe.

gater Level 7 May 5, 2018

Here is what Christians and others of any faith need to understand about atheists.

They grew up and no longer believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, Nessie, or anything else that you can make up or fabricate.


Why is that important?...... my personal take on that is that it is not important.


They can't figure out why we don't believe.
I just name a god they don't follow and tell them the same reason you don't follow this god is why i don't follow yours.
Not once have they though could a god even be possible...


Agnostic and I don't care if Christians understand my beliefs. I'm living this life for me.


It broadens their perspective; allows them to realize a functioning, contributing person can exist outside the rigid parameters of religion..

Varn Level 8 May 5, 2018
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