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Today somebody brought me a food box (frozen chicken, potatoes , veggies, milk and yoghurt) I am so grateful, Cannot go shopping, just got out of the hospital, still suffering from UTI and a strange discoloration all over my right hand. It snowed for twenty hours now and somebody broke my snow broom. But the arrival of the food box brightened my day. I baked some muffins and worked on straightening out the dining room. Me on a stretcher made all that chaos necessary.
Now I need to teach Brendan all about bloodsugar levels and why it isn't necessary to call the ambulance every time I am not quite coherent. Just measure my blood sugar and if it is in the normal range, please let me sleep.
Oh well, excitement all around.Diabetes in a loved one is no easy task. I realize that.
Enjoy your holidays.

Spinliesel 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Try Gluehwein mit Honig. Does nothing for the diabetes but tastes good and fights the cold inside. Actually Gluehwein in moderation will have little affect on your BSL.

Vocaloldfart, I am Type 1 diabetic. Not Type 2. I eat what I want, test my blood and correct my insulin level. Thank you foir the tip w.rt. Glühwein.

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