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It is time that I give everyone their Christmas present. My world is a bit different so what if I gave everyone free cable TV. All you need is a browser to put the text in. Here is that text.


    Use this text exactly as written above in your phone or ipad or computer browser. I personally do not like using it on my phone so it goes in a page on my computer, or I uses it as a saved page. What you end up with is 110 cable channels with lots of sports included. Use of a VPN is suggested but the site people are encripting their area also and I think they are off shore somewhere. 

    Easy to use, you find it has a TV guide built right in and the smaller picture can be made larger with a mouse click or finger movement. Merry Christmas and I home everyone enjoys this.
DenoPenno 9 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe this is bragging. I can watch what is on at the local theater in my living room at home. That is a different process than the code I am giving you here.


sounds less than legit.

Less than legit. It's a hack from the off shore acct. of the creators. They be ma friends.

@DenoPenno lol...peace.


All you need is in a browser window. My original post went haywire so if you can read this give it a try.

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