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Belief is only good if done in flocks. If you are the only one that believes something, you will appear silly. While group beliefs offer confidence, they come without clarity. This lack of clarity can be problematic—without a clear foundation, beliefs risk crumbling, even in the company of many. Without clarity, it all falls apart, doesn't it?

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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So that explains why you appear silly so often...or is it pathetic......?


Your first sentence is false. Popularity does not equal worthwhileness.

right, It doesn't but that's not what was stated.


I suggest that you learn to think.


True belief is built on a foundation of Evidence
If you need a congregation to believe something, that is at best a band wagon fallacy at worst a religion

You are talking about the great deceiver know as Faith.

you're kind of splitting hairs in terms of definitions. You are accurate, of course, however there are other forms of the definitions as you know. Typically when I speak I'm speaking more in terms of metaphysical concepts. So this post fits in well with religion. It also applies to other things. You'll certainly notice that individuals tend to congregate around beliefs. This website is an excellent example of that.

What I'm saying is people should really think about belief and how it's tied to group think. It's most times one in the same.

Now in terms of it all falling apart, yeah, that's mostly talking about belief as in faith, you are correct. But if you really think about it, again it applies across the board. Religion is just a perfect and easily recognizable example especially among this crowd.

"you're kind of splitting hairs in terms of definitions"
"there are other forms of the definitions as you know"
"I'm speaking more in terms of metaphysical concepts."

@LenHazell53 responding with a video....what a loser.

@4thwiseman responding with abuse, how disappointing

@LenHazell53 I see @4thwiseman as being an aggressive idiot. He has been presented with multiple opportunities by many people on this site to use his brain, and he has rejected every opportunity. /@Betty @Ryo1

@anglophone Are you sure...It almost feels like he is recruiting, searching for vulnerabilities he can use and exploit. I could be wrong but...

@Betty If he is trying to recruit I see him as being on the wrong web site. From what I can see, almost everybody on this web site is quite strong minded.

Having said that, your idea that he might be trying to recruit has given me another perspective on @4thwiseman, for which I thank you.

@anglophone There may be a couple on this site that could fall for his rhetoric. This site is certainly a challenge and if he could recruit them, that would be a feather in his cap.

@anglophone, @Betty
Practise what you preach, and if it doesnt work... well, just change a sentence or two.😆


Religious beliefs all seem to lack clarity.

All beliefs lack clarity. The thought that it is only religious beliefs is small minded.

Thus speaks the small minded @4thwiseman.

@4thwiseman By your definition...belief in one's ability would lack clarity?

@Betty no, that is a different kind of belief. I'm referring to in an idea. There is to know and there is to not know.

More people should really think about that and practice it. Understand that belief is nonsense and not good for us. A good start is simply by trying to catch yourself anytime you are about to say the form of the word 'believe'. Most contexts we use it in are bullshit. Kind of a filler word if you really think about it. It's one of those things we do unconsciously. That we don't consciously think about. Try consciously thinking about it. You might find the results over time to be interesting.

@4thwiseman Insulting people is disingenuous, I believe.

@CallMeDave nothing good about insulting people yet we still do it, don't we?

@4thwiseman We each have our perspective on the words we use. Although the word "belief" is often associated with a known concept to me it is more personal and very clear. "Belief" is on the lower end of the spectrum of trust.

@4thwiseman Insults hit their mark when the recipient is insecure or cares for the person hurling them. To insult people who don't have a relationship with you is a waste of time and effort and makes the person hurling those insults look foolish and immature.

@Betty So it is

@Betty You may very well have different perspectives with the words you use, however, you tend to all have the same perspective when it comes to obeying man made systems. Your belief in these systems is strong. You perspectives that fall outside of those systems is weak.

@4thwiseman We are social animals and live in a society of our own making. Are there opportunists, criminals, and abusers? Of course, there are, just as there are also kind, caring, generous, and innovative people. There are positives and negatives in just about everything. It is what makes life interesting and challenging.
Because we are a society we need rules and systems to avoid chaos and to try and live peacefully together. Can those systems be exploited? Of course, they can, nothing and no one is perfect. Each generation tries to improve with varying results. Life is all about trial and error. Will we ever get it right? I doubt it, you can please some but you will never be able to please all.

@Betty You were on a roll until you came to "Because we are a society we need rules and systems..." This is what I'm talking about with unconsciousness. This is an idea that was given to you, implanted in you. You didn't come up with it. Frankly you wouldn't have come up with these rules and systems. Yet you accept them without question.

@4thwiseman We learn to live with rules and systems within our families. Without them, there would be chaos. Our societal rules are based on them.
Tell me, how would you raise children without rules and systems? Would you let them run wild, not teach them about cooperation, negotiation, sharing, and understanding...etc.? Most rules are logical and rational, they help us live within our communities. Is it a fair system, not by a long shot but only because needs, wants, and desires differ for each individual. Just because you want something different doesn't mean it will be beneficial to others. It is because we are different that rules and systems work better for some than for others. As we evolve the demand for change will eventually be recognized.

@Betty More unconsciousness. You were taught that. You believe it. You don't know it. But you damn sure believe it. Mommy told you so. Daddy told you so. Grandparents told you so. The man told you so. Your mind is not free.

How would I do it? Differently.

@4thwiseman Do tell.

@Betty You will see it for yourself soon enough. We are seeing systems being exposed and breaking down now. You will see new systems that better serve humankind being put into place. Look for major happenings in 24.

@4thwiseman So, new systems and rules to replace the old ones? That has been evolving for generations as they realize they need to accommodate a new reality.
Anything new that is done with altruistic goals has a short lifespan before opportunists find ways to corrupt, use, and abuse. I predict two generations before you begin to see the results of change, positive and negative.


Sooo, Galileo should have STFU I guess..........

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