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Jesus was essentially killed by religion. Nowadays, they call it Christianity.

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 30

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You kid me? This is an attempt at humour?

The whole thing is a fairy tale that created xtian-insanity.

you're right, now back in your cave.


Very true. It gets worse when you find people who tell you Jesus was a Christian.

It is possible, but not a Christian as we know it,
During the 1st century AD there was a religious movement called the anointed ones (In Greek the Christians) who followed the teachings of a martyred Jewish Nasserite Prophet known (again in Greek) as John the Baptist.
The Roman/Jewish historian Josephus gives over a whole chapter to him and his death at the Hands of Herod of Judea, yet oddly does makes no mention of a Jesus of Nazareth. But it is possible that carpenter named Jesus was a follower and so was a Johannite Christian

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