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The Lincoln Project has sent me an email asking not only for money but also to sign up to Volunteer with them.
I did both and await an asssignment, Any assignment! (There was a "skills" questionaire).
So Excited about this!
No doubt not as much fun as working for Bernie in 2016 but IMO majorly important!!!!

annewimsey1 7 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I know you all want to do whatever it is you could to help diminish Trump, and I have no objections there, but you seriously should research these supposed advocacy groups first before making any sort of commitments to them let alone give them your money. I also see the example above as being one of the ways seniors get conned out of their money.

The Lincoln Project has seen a fair share of scandal, along with that organization failing fact checks and generally being a questionable source for reliable information.-

That's not a mere opinion either, as from the looks of it there's no shortage of left-leaning sources that have and continue to question how legitimate the Lincoln Project really is, or if they are just out to get rich quick at their supporter's expense (that seems to be the case). Here's but a few of the leftwing sources who are critical of the LP.-



Sometimes one has to, how you put it... "do it yourself" and take the necessary time to research this stuff, especially if it potentially involves parting ways with your money.

@michelle666gar @glennlab
Including them here as they had voted on this post, and they might want to know more about the group in question.

@SpikeTalon I don't donate my hard earned money to any organization. I don't read articles from this organization.

I like their ads a lot and they also Place them well for major Impact. That's all I need to's not like I am sending them 3-4-5-6 figures........

@annewimsey1 Okie dokie, and in the end the choice is yours I suppose, but thought you would have wanted to know a bit more about some of the scandals connected to that group.

@michelle666gar Good choice, I'd say, given the circumstances.

@SpikeTalon scandals are sooooo rampant nowadays, and sooooooo easy to manufacture, I would be far more interested knowing their Source before I even considered anything else.

@annewimsey1 Source?? Could you please elaborate a bit more? True, some scandals are manufactured... while others do end up being true.

@SpikeTalon Most politicians and media news outlets are all paid for, again it's part of dividing us and hating on each other while they laugh at us behind closed doors.

I have been a political operative since the 1980s. Every election, some group is trying to gain power and drag down someone else. You form short term alliances knowing full well that as soon as the election cycle is over, you will both most likely go your own way and in a few rare circumstances have a lasting alliance. Depending on the election I have been involved with disaffected republicans, libertarians, christians and others that while I did not agree with most of what they believe, we had a useful alliance for this election. The Lincoln Project is one of those type groups. I do not agree with most of what they believe, but I do support their attempts to thwart Trump from getting back into the Whitehouse. It is a matter of going in with your eyes open and not expecting the leopard to change his spots.

@glennlab I've certainly no qualms with them giving Trump a hard time, but they should be a bit more transparent with where the funds are going, which would give them the appearance of being more honest in the eyes of those who support their mission. Also, the failed fact checks is concerning, and if I'm to believe there's a misinformation war being waged, then misinformation must be confronted regardless of which political side/Party is pushing said misinformation.

Perhaps I'm naive for desiring to be that honest, and maybe should take a more ruthless stance given how heated American politics have become, but in the end I'd still like to think that the voting booth holds the most power, and casting a ballot is the better way to go than casting a lie or fabrication etc. Trump is a dishonest hack, to put it kindly (I could think of far worse to say), and can't help but think that if I side with what appears to be a questionable advocacy group using questionable tactics, I lower myself to the pitiful level of the likes of Trump, which is probably what Trump would want. To each his/her own though I suppose, you have to do what you have to do, and thank you for taking the time to reply.

@SpikeTalon They are still republicans,they still believe 95% of what Trump does, they do not agree with his tactics or morals. I have no illusions about what they really want, but right now we have a common goal, get rid of Trump. This is a group that is responsible for making possible to rise of Trump, they didn't realize that they couldn't control him like they did Reagan, and the Bushes. I have little doubt that they are sly, devious and cunning and bear considerable watching. They will never be transparent or open, it's not in their DNA.

@SpikeTalon I meant the Source of the is clear that they purposefully go all out to annoy drump and I have no doubt that many of the rumors you refer to come from the same group that gave us "election fraud".
Also, I fervently believe that politics (and war!) make strange bedfellows, and that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These are parlous times, we need all the ammo we can get!!!!
And, big AND, are they telling lies in their ads? Not as far as I can see in fact I think there is a tad too much restraint sometimes but I think they are reaching out to the biggest audience possible and I love that!!!

@annewimsey1 Some of those rumors probably are from the Election fraud crowd, but most evidence that I've come across indicates mostly left-leaning opposition, and given some of the circumstances that played out it's most likely not merely rumors, but rather events that truly did take place.

I understand what you mean there, the times we currently live in and all, but sometimes framing certain individuals as either heroes or villains could in the process cause one to overlook the whole picture there.

As for them telling lies in any of their ads, let me ask you this... have you done any of your own research into the Lincoln Project? Here's one example of them lying and or fabricating claims and video evidence, and they've failed at least two other fact checks that I'm aware of and possibly more.-

Here was a fact check done by left-leaning Washington Post, and they too caught the LP making a false claim.-

If one were to approach such evidence from a strictly independent perspective, that's some damning evidence that the LP are prone to lying and fabricating claims, and really and truly how much evidence would it take to finally convince you of that?? On a side note and in case you wonder, as someone with an interest in all things cyber related, I know how to carry-out proper research, and so far from what I've observed there's no indication those fact checks were incorrect.

As for the LP reaching out to and connecting with the appropriate audience via ads, that's debatable, as while said ads would obviously sway those already opposed to Trump they appeared to have little effect on his loyal supporters, and if anything current negative ads against Trump might actually be solidifying his voter base.-

Here are two other left-leaning sources that raised good points, and I must ask why are all of these known left-leaning sources saying virtually the same thing about the LP?


In the end, that be your choice whether or not to support or back a group like the LP, do what you feel you must do. As for me, I cannot just ignore that kind of evidence and overlook the rather shady practices of a non-transparent activist group. There's something nefarious about that activist group, certainly alot of dark money involved, and I truly think (based on available evidence) they are conning people out of their money in an effort to make themselves more powerful in the long run. People with moivations like that don't care for any sort of competition, which they see Trump as being such knowing they are not able to leash him like they can with most other Republican politicians. Also, I've yet to witness any true Republican who would really have a vested interest in helping a Democrat get elected into office. Knowing all of that leads me to distrust the LP and their motives.

That all aside for a moment, curiosity abounds... did they ever get back to you with any potential assignments?

@SpikeTalon I really don't need to do any fact checking on the Lincoln project. I have a lifetime of experience with dealing with its founders, none of whom I would trust. I pay next to no attention to anything they put out except for entertainment value. Their initial purpose was to deny Trump reelection, something they may have contributed to. Their new purpose is to deny him the republican nomination and failing that the presidency. If they attempt anything beyond that, then I will do something. When your enemies are fighting and destroying each other, do not get in their way .

@glennlab I get where you're going there. Only thing is, even if your enemies fight among each other, inevitably one of them will walk away a winner, and you will still be faced with an enemy. After experiencing a victory against a rival Party member, that could energize not only that individual but also their voter base and perhaps more independent voters as well. That in turn could spell trouble for the individual you are cheering on to win the big one.

Guess what I'm trying to say is... a scenario like what you described above, that involve your enemies fighting against each other in the hopes that will eventually weaken all of them, have a way of going awry when you least expect it. A snake cannot eat a dragon, but the snake is still trying to eke out a victory regardless, and in doing so the dragon only appears to be growing stronger all the while rounding up more individuals to his cause. And that's what concerns me. Once the dragon gets a taste of victory, even at the expense of fellow Party members, that lust for power never goes away, and eventually given enough time that aggression will get focused on those who you consider to be allies. I see such a scenario playing out right now before our eyes. Some would disagree with me on that, claiming there is no worry for the most part. Guess by the end of the year we'll find out for sure.

@SpikeTalon Without getting into the weeds of how political momentum works, LP is working as a stopper not as a builder. Builders are dangerous when they win, stoppers win when they stop the other party. LP has to change their tactics in order to become more dangerous, Trump becomes more dangerous if he wins.


Sounds great to me. I like the Lincoln Project.


That's interesting! Let us know more when you learn about those volunteer activities, ok?

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