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I've met a lot of spiritual folks. Not a single one believes stuff. They know what they know. What they don't know they don't know. They accept this. Some atheists also accept this. Simply put the spiritual simply have experienced what the non spiritual have not.

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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This is quite agreeable though I'd probably have avoided the use of a label. Labeling people (even them labeling themselves) will always confuse others because they will apply assumptions and bias.

But yeah, show me a person who doesn't rely on belief and knows what they know and also knows there's much they don't know ... and maybe even wonders what questions they haven't even thought to ask yet ... and I'll show you a decent, grounded, person worth having a conversation with.


Spiritual can mean anything that you want it to mean. I've found this to be true with almost everybody.

So can religious, so can overweight, so can smart, etc. I'm not talking about what the average person calls spiritual. I'm talking about truly spiritual folks. If you're not spiritual you won't understand.

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