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Humanity has no purpose other than to further its depravity and destruction and humans are nothing more than just a product of a genetic mutation that has turned the planet to shit.

fedup 6 Jan 1

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I will concur and add that humans evolved into a detrimental parasitic life form,a failed mutation that will ultimately destroy its host, not the earth but all other life forms unlike beneficial commensal parasites that have a symbiotic relationship with their host .As my favorite comic George Carlin said people are a miner inconvenience and the planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas

Correct on all counts my man , by the way, thatโ€™s a great George carlin skit that I have seen a few times

Even as parasites we failed what a downer LOL


๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ And a partridge in a pear tree๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ


Neither collectively nor individually does humanity have a specific purpose.

Humans are the product of millions of years of evolution and adaptation.

So, you're wrong on two counts but thanks for playing.

What do you think plays a part in evolution . In many cases, evolutionary change is based on the accumulation of many mutations with small effects . Mutational affects can be beneficial, harmful,or neutral, depending on their.context or location Most non- neutral mutations are deleterious .These are not my conclusions .Anyone that knows anything about evolution would be aware of this

@fedup Exactly

@fedup Sure, mutation plays a part in evolution but natural selection and genetic drift do as well.


I only just blocked 4thwiseman for this crap. Into the toilet you go....

I blocked the 4thwiseman as well. Just a tad judgemental for my tastes.


Well, that's major depression speaking if ever I heard it.
Please seek help, ASAP.

Unfortunately ones perspective unless itโ€™s fundamentally preposterous can not be altered by an intervention unless it consists of medication of some kind which I am unwilling to partake in .LOl

@fedup I have lived through more shit than probably 20 people in my life, and have the actual scars to prove it, plus of course the ones you cannot see.
I still delight in a beautiful sunset, a dandelion coming through the snow, the silly antics of my dog, a lovely meal, music, ( singing at karaoke!), basking in a completely DIY kitchen remodel, annnnd etc.
In fact the ability to appreciate the moment is what got me through all the shit.
Wallowing in misery over what you cannot change/have Zero control over is not only counterproductive but just silly.


That is a fair view. But once, we were also honest animals just like all the others, and some of us still manage to be nothing more than that, in the short time before we die, and that is good enough for now.

Smell the flowers, understand a little pot of cheese is a feast, don't have children, work for the planet and hope death finds you soon and with a kind face.

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