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Flat Earther Heal Thyself

A close friend of mine who in no way would ever be someone you'd think of as a proponent of flat Earth and who is married to someone who would likely divorce him if he ever were forwarded a meme questioning the temperature gradient of Earth's layers. He didn't "flat" out say he thought this could throw into question the shape of the Earth, but he offered sympathy to those who would.

Something that probably started as more of a joke (also see "birds are not real" ) designed to get your attention has been quite successful such that you never really know if a flat Earther is simply playing the antagonist. It all adds up to lots of videos and lots of views.

But I think it's gone too far.

While I did interact with my close friend on his question about Earth's internal temperatures, I no longer interact with random "flerfers" in social media comment sections. They often rely on tired arguments about how they can't see the curve left to right while shrugging off how things disappear over the horizon as "perspective". Or they make absurd arguments about planes not having to constantly dip their noses down during flight.

It's time to stop the madness.

I will point out to flat Earthers that they can observe the rotation of the planet simply by looking up. And I point out that the stars and the rotational direction of the stars are different when viewed from the Northern vs Southern hemispheres. There simply is no explanation for seeing a different sky rotating in a different direction depending where you stand on a a flat plane.

All of this is to say, please flat Earthers look inward to whatever is missing in your lives and question why you need to appeal to massive conspiracies where no one who learns the "truth" about flat Earth ever reveals it. From competing space programs to Antarctica treaties to massive coverups and faked evidence; all without even a single concept of a reason why and all coming from people studying at Bob's Facebook School of Flat Earth, there has to come a point when you realize you aren't woke to some truth about flat Earth and you are not refuting Albert Einstein or anyone else who has ever learned and taught about our universe.

Let's move on from flat Earth in 2024. This is such utter nonsense and I think we need to help these people seek personal growth through introspection. It's not about whether there is any argument for a flat Earth, it's about why they feel the need to be opponents of reality.

I really do believe there is something deeper in their lives they are trying to fill with flat Earth and I wonder how we might help them (if it's even possible).

bragadm 5 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no sympathy for people who's selfish stupidity jeopardizes the rest of us.


It wasn't utter nonsense the moment someone sailed around the earth? I think the saying goes, "you can't fix stupid."

lerlo Level 8 Jan 2, 2024

Religious BS. Just be glad you aren't similarly defective.


I moved on from flat earth, and flat earthers, somewhere around six decades ago.


If the Earth were flat it would be easy to prove. I think people who believe the Earth is flat have a detachment from reality and that no amount of evidence would suffice for them.

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