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Repeat after me;

, I forgive you for anything and everything.
, I forgive myself for anything and everything.

Drank_Spear 7 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. It has nothing to do with others. Others can fuck off. You want to be free of the bullshit that comes with hating so you forgive. Simple as that.


It is far easier to forgive if the perpetrator has already suffered just punishment and justice has been seen to be done.
However, no matter how much you ask for forgiveness you cannot ask a victim to forget.


Ummmmm, having a hard time forgiving you for being a preachy brow-beater...any suggestions?

YES! My going rate is $55 an hour with a minimum of 1 hour.


We must forgive others in order to e happy ourselves. A person is the happiest is he is not holding a grudge.

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