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The IPCC 's Post-Paris Political Rallying Cry
The IPCC is supposed to be an objective, policy-neutral, wholly scientific body staffed by experts with impeccable judgment. However, Chris Field, who heads the IPCC 's Working Group II (Impacts of Climate Change) celebrates the Paris Agreement with an email to his WG II colleagues stating that their report was a clear enabler of the agreement and congratulating them for their invaluable role in setting the stage for a turning point in history.
First, a senior IPCC official declares his “excitement“ about a matter entirely unrelated to science. He’s happy about a political agreement reached by politicians.

Second, in his estimation “all” of his hundreds of IPCC colleagues are political animals like himself, rather than aloof scientists. Having worked closely with these people for years, he imagines they’ll react en masse exactly as he does to the Paris deal. They’ll feel positively celebratory about a political document comprising 32 pages of dense, fine print. Independent thinking isn’t something he expects from this group.

and many of you trust THEIR science

1patriot 8 Jan 4

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