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This is God's response to child rape. Ok I see what you're doing. I'm going to close the door so you can get to it but I'll be punishing you later...... unless you accept my son into your heart, then all is good.

paul1967 8 May 5

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...and they wonder why Atheists are angry..

Varn Level 8 May 5, 2018

The other prime example of this is that if Hitler accepted Jesus on his deathbed he would be in heaven where as everyone he had killed would be burning in Hell.

The forgiveness by grace is the ultimate religious get out clause.

Richard Carrier thinks that Hitler may have been a Christian Positivist and while he may have despised the Catholic Church in which he was raised, he was probably Not an atheist as many claim.

@Humanity4all From his early twenties Hitler was a member of the Thule society, an esoteric pagan congregation worshiping a neo-teutonic pantheon and pagan ideology.
He was recruited in to the society by Dieter Eckhart, who using astrology claimed Hitler was their promised messiah come to rid the land of pernicious foreign influence and destined to restore the aryan race.
In short he was a nut, but not an atheist.


No, he did not close the door, He sit and watch it. and not just rape, but all the child molested too.


So if you look back in time and even today in some countries they marry there daughters off the minute the start there menstruation process. They could be as young as 12 is that wrong in God's eyes or yours?

Well, God doesn't exist but if he did and he was all good I would say that good for the child is measured by what is best for her happiness, health and wellness (mentally and physically)

@paul1967 dude. I was playing devil's advocate.???=No sword untested, no soul unquestioned? I'm sure you understand. If you get it,???,pass it on..In your on way,If you don't....Not really my problem




This makes no sense and I'm so upset with myself for not seeing through this religious bullshit sooner in my life.

forgiveness with self ❤


@JaciBea @Bobby9 and others,
These people honestly do have a 1984 double think insanity going on.
Having grown up with this bs, having tried to grasp how their minds worked, ... (remember, I do not agree, I only am interpreting how I perceive their minds working)
I came to see that the more wealthy, healthy x-tians feel this is god's decision, therefore valid and deserved. That somehow, the poor, unhealthy, violently treated, have done something to "deserve" their misfortune.
Tho' again, double think, because if there's no reincarnation, how could a child "deserve" pain, rape, or cancer?... It boggles my mind.


@TheMiddleWay and others who espouse his/her questions.
Well, for one thing, consider that this supposed "gawd" character is supposed to be omnipotent, and omnipresent, and that I'm not. I'd figure none of us here on Ag. com are.
Hence our abilities cannot be equivalent.
Whereas it is supposedly possible for it (gawd) to prevent all rapes of children, my entire life might go by without the possibility of my being able to foil even one such instance, especially since such sick creeps tend to hide their crimes!
To me, this renders your points/question flawed from the beginning.
(Kinda like the lawyer who asks, "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?")
And btw, I am agnostic, and yes, I feel within my rights and knowledge to object to whatever reasons one might use to excuse or ignore a child's pain.

My opinions are offered, not because I believe in such an entity, omni-anything, or not, but because (this time without being overly verbose) because those deluded folks who DO believe use some of the same empty reasons you speak of, 'mongst others, I'm certain.
I don't expect to convince you or anyone of my viewpoint or reasons. Nor do I intend to engage in a discussion which is futile, especially for someone's pleasure in arguing wordplay
I passionately care about treating children kindly and fairly, this isn't a joking matter to me

: p
Let's just exchange emoji faces then, it's less tiring.
And yes, I know.


I have wondered the same.
Just conjecture,

The Bible claims God is Just.

I do not blame God for the actions of evil people. I cannot speak for God,if He exists, but it would seem that executing Judgement on one, Justice woulld require executing Judgement on all who have sinned, which by the standards explained by Jesus include all of us. Justice It would be nice to have a super hero who would protect the innocent. Justice does not work that way. Jesus charged His followers with the task of protecting the innocent, feeding the hungry, aiding the infirmed, helping the poor. God or not, Jesus had some good ideas. Most who claim to be followers, do a poor job doing so. Many overtrust those who pretend to be church leaders to the shame of all who do. The superhero is not coming, so it is up to us.

wmou Level 4 May 5, 2018

You have a belief in Jesus and God. You feel justified in worshiping Yahweh. You feel that warm glow of the spirit of Jesus within you. You have your personal experience of this devinity. I hope that accurately describes your feelings toward the Trinity.
Let me describe to you my feelings and why.
I don't believe God exists but for the sake of this discussion let's say he does.

Let me setup God's characteristics:
He's maximally knowing
He's maximally powerful
He's perfectly loving
He's all forgiving
I assume you agree with this. It's pretty standard stuff. I'm going to show you how the first two disprove the second two.

Rules for entry into Heaven
Believe in Jesus and allow him into your heart.

I don't believe, but why don't I believe (don't forget for the sake of this discussion God does in fact exist)

These are my non- judgemental reasons I don't believe:
I read the Bible, twice for that matter, both the NIV and the KJV. Creation is wrong, the order is wrong and the "how" is wrong.
Adam and Eve is wrong - Evolution is a fact
Noah's Flood never occurred
No solid undeniable evidence exists that Jesus ever existed and that's true for a lot of other characters in the Bible.

I have an extensive list but these reasons alone are enough.

I wasn't indoctrinated into the religion and more than half the world has a different belief.

This God created everything and he knew ahead of time this was going to be the way it was, yet he did it anyways.

I can't force myself to believe something I don't believe, so I am and half the world is going to Hell. We're not sending ourselves to Hell.
God has hidden himself and I'm beginning punished for his ineptitude an eternity.

God is not all forgiving nor is he all loving.

@paul1967 I don't know if anything you say I believe is true. If there is a God, then I believe Jesus was at least a messenger. Jesus told the priests they had it all wrong. He taught Peace, Love, Charity and Forgiveness. If God is Love and Jesus is God, then is being a Loving person equate o having God in your heart? I don't know. I get accused of many things by Christians and no-Christians for my skepticism. I assume most old testament stories are parables, or just biased versions of events. I find great wisdom in the words of Jesus.

@wmou What reasons do you have for believing any of it?

@wmou, i am just wondering whether you & your imaginary friend got lost in cyber space. this site is certainly not intended for religion-spouting believers & their deluded ilk, & i for one would much appreciate it if i wouldn't have to keep stumbling over the brain-turds of you & similarly cerebrally challenged folks.

@paul1967 Science has no satisfactory answer for Love.


If I saw someone being raped and had to the power to stop it, I would. That is the difference between me and your god.

smox Level 4 May 5, 2018

yes, i know. this (& wars & genocides etc.) is why i see religion not just as a lifestyle choice - i find it revoltingly callous, hence absolutely don't feel like engaging in "meaningful" discussion with believers anywhere. they are the scum of the earth.


The biblical god is a deranged monster, good thing he is purely fictional.


Oh, and this to those who mentioned that a wonderful child could be borne from a rape...
This post was begun by mentioning "child" rape. If in the bible, one becomes an adult at 13, then to continue this line of thought..
Just how many "important-to-destiny" children have been born to females who were less than 13, surely gawd could have prevented any of those, or of females not yet fertile, or of any boys.
Unless the pain, death, disgrace, or maiming of said kids somehow played into gawd's grand scheme?
Then, why the hell would anyone wants anything to do with such a scheming heartless wretch.?

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