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My own mind is my church ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 9

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That guy was sure ahead of his time.

If only the majority of the population promoted the same sentiments.


Thomas was always a Paine in the ass like that…..🀠


There's a founding father the Christian nationalists need to read!

Most of the "Christian nationalists" think he was an Atheist, when in fact he was a Deist, who just didn't care for the hypocrisy in organized religion.

@snytiger6 Most Christian nationalists are ignorant dopes.

@Flyingsaucesir I often wonder if their (Christian nationalists'πŸ˜‰ ignorance is born out of willful ignorance or if it is just a natural state for them. I suspect their population is made of a combination of both kinds of ignorance.

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