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Liberals would never watch 2000mules like they didn't want to see their face show up as they were stuffing ballot boxes.

1patriot 7 Jan 18

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That film has been debunked, as all the so-called "evidence is purely speculative and not actually factual in nature.

You're "beating a dead horse" and hoping it will take you where you want to go.

spoken like a true Liberal! using Facebook fact checkers isn't proof!

@1patriot I used as my primary source, but virtually every link that came up in my search said basically the same thing.

When you believe it because you want to believe it. No matter what evidence there is, in this case that the film was speculative rather than factual, you will continue to believe it. That is called "willful ignorance". It is a symptom of fanaticism, whether religious or political.

I actually did the search because I had remembered several media stories about the film being debunked, and I was making sure I remembered correctly.

The film was produced as propaganda by an ultra conservative group to begin with, so it could hardly be characterized as unbiased

@snytiger6 and yet they are still just opinions
Near the end of the documentary 2000 Mules, the filmmakers and their advocates anticipate the partisan criticism the film would draw.

“They have two ways they’ll try to invalidate it,” predicts conservative leader Charlie Kirk. “One is minimizing. And then slander.”

Then, speaking to cell phone data used to prove the alleged crimes, conservative military and intelligence analyst Sebastian Gorka adds, “I predict right now they will say, ‘What on earth is a conservative doing tracking private citizens? Gee how dare they? What is Dinesh D’Souza doing to voters? At 3 AM?’ And that will be part of it.”

Attorney Larry Elder adds, “This is a smoking gun. This is OJ Simpson being seen leaving the scene of the crime.”

@snytiger6 The movie 2000 Mules, a documentary by filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza has become the “most successful political documentary in a decade,” according to its distributor, Salem Media Group. D’Souza is getting mixed reviews from conservatives as well as the mainstream left with his latest cinematic effort. It is unlikely he anticipated a backlash of sorts from his own side of the political aisle, which begs the question: Why is the movie generating such a wide range of reactions?

The Plot and the People
The film carries an IMDb rating of 7.1 and a rare 100% positive audience score on the movie rating app Rotten Tomatoes. All this even though it is not an easy get. Amazon Prime does not carry it, nor does HBO, Hulu, or Netflix. In a rare distribution scheme, D’Souza’s movie appeared in select theatres across the country at the same time it began streaming on the little-known app SalemNow.

to me it looks like it's the opinion of google, amazon, etc. the big players in the media you know the ones that want to direct your thoughts in particular direction.....

@1patriot Popularity is not an indication of its truthfulness. Religion is also popular, but as you are on this site, i doubt you think that is an indication of its truthfulness. Enron was also popular, as was Bernie Nadolf and Jeffrey Epstein, but they no longer are for due to their now obvious lies.

That they anticipated how the film would be criticized to me indicates an awareness of just where they deliberately lied. They anticipate the coming factual criticisms to try to blunt them, and they were trying to make the critiques seem political instead of just normal standard fact checking.

The only source you have to actually validate the facts are the people who made the film? Well, it would hardly be in their financial interest to NOT validate the film.

There is a political author by the name of David Brock, who wrote a book entitled, "Brlinded By The Right". He is also known for a previous book that trashed Anita Hill. He wrote that while working for republicans, he was never once fact checked, and in writing "Blinded By The Right" his editors literally were the first ones to fact check his political writing. The right was perfectly fine with unsebstantiated rumors or just making stuff up.

There have been several studies that show that people who watch Fox News are less informed than persons who watch no news at all. Why? Because they often just make stuff up and have no problem misleading their viewers. After all the Murdocks made their money in tabloid publishing, and they brought Fox "Journalism" down to the tabloid level, to where it isn't really actual journalism at all.

I don't believe that there is even one independent neutral source (meaning a group that isn't slanted towards right wing politics) that would say the movie isn't just blatant propaganda dressed up and costumed like a documentary.

@snytiger6 well that is you opinion yet it not just fox news that has pointed out election fraud. there is countless news articles from sources you point right or left media bias.
looks like they will do it again for 2024


On May 5, 2020, Google killed all of Breitbart’s traffic on stories about Joe Biden. We went from tens of thousands of impressions on searches for “Joe Biden” to literally zero. Google simply flipped a switch and turned off the search traffic. A search engine expert with decades of experience in the industry told us that he’s never seen anything like this: “The sheer fact that there are thousands of pages of Breitbart content that reference Biden that were ranking before May 6, that now have no rank or impressions on search is a sign of manipulation, not algorithmic devaluing.” Mind you, none of these stories were false, but rather, they were deemed to be damaging to Biden’s election prospects.

@1patriot Seriously? Brightbart? They are hardly unbiased, and in fact take pride in their conservative bias.

I have read various articles and viewed several news reports about election fraud, and the conclusions are that there is no evidence of any widespread election fraud. And, when it comes to independent, small scale cases of election fraud, almost all cases have been committed by conservatives.

You seem to have made up your mind, and will only look at sources that are likely to agree with the views and notions you already have. That practice is called "confirmation bias". Religious people do that kind of thing all the time. Ignore anything that contradicts the views they already hold.

That is why I have commented a few time making comparisons of conservatives on this site to "dry drunks". A dry drunk is someone who may have stopped drinking but has continued with the thoghts and behaviors they developed while drinking. Like a dry drunk, many of the conservatives on this site may no longer be religious, but they continue with the same kinds of thinking and behaviors that they developed when they were religious, or if they were never religious, then I'd say they most likely learned their thinking patterns and behaviors from persons who were religious. Because most of the conservatives on this site practice "confirmation bias', just as much as the religious do.

@snytiger6 well the same can be said with you most of the Liberals on this site practice "confirmation bias', just as much as the religious do. i have never had religion in my life so your guess is a joke. you like all the liberals on this site only watch zionist jews media and you only get one views. conservatives on the other hand can be convinced of another view, if the evidence can be presented. all i get from the liberal here like you is nope that's not how went and your stupid.....i only call them stupid after they attack me. Liberal i ask sent the articles that say this well that never happens. just happen yesterday as matter of fact.
so Biden has the USA going to war in Ukraine and in Israel.... that doesn't concern you? and your big friends with china and big enemies with Russia and russia and china are friends? i look at both parties democrate and republicans are bought with the zionist money......the best thing that could happen would be to get the hell out of the fiat or petro dollar and go gold back dollar. Gold-backed currencies are virtually immune from the Basel III currency/trading schema and more importantly, can be freely and openly traded around the world with other gold-backed currency because of the stable price of gold as an exchange value (Silver, Platinum and other commodities or rare earth minerals could be used in place of gold but let's not complicate it right now.) Gold-backed currencies would wipe out the jewish money-printing scam that is paying for all our wars, and it would eliminate their fractional reserve lending scam!

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