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Riddle me this.
When we say "mankind" who are we leaving out?
Or are we leaving out "hu"?

puff 8 Jan 23

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I read an all inclusive term for every human being. Doubt everyone does though.

Exactly but I may revert back to humankind so as to not upset PC gramma Nazi's. Human hours.
Imagine if animals got organised? All the donkeys, mules, elephants, camels. Lima's...............all the pack animals would be up in arms over "horsepower". ("up in arms" is discriminatory to Thalidomide victims ie where does PC stop?)
Many languages have feminine and masculine phrases and grammatic rules. Does not mean they are sexist.


In a "slightly" male dominated society I doubt the omission was accidental. Interestingly, the bible says god created humans, not man.

Yes, but you do have to remember, that any Bible you may read, is a multiple translation. Who knows what words were used in the past.

@Fernapple You can say that again 🙂 []


May be a cultural difference. But here in the UK "mankind" and the generic "man" for all of humanity, are hardy ever heard anymore, as gone as horse drawn trams and watermills grinding corn.

Evolution is a wonderful thing 🙂

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