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Zionists want a land of Israel for Jews only. If they get what they want, they will go procreate with themselves. This, I encourage them to do.

puff 8 Jan 30

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I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to live with religious extremists either

Tejas Level 8 Jan 30, 2024

Zionism is religious extremism. It's not really about religion, it's about a bunch of European colonists using religion to justify seizing land and displacing those who don't share their belief in their god given right. They militarily occupy Palestine and if my country was militarily occupied, I would resist. Especially when the occupation is brutal.
If you occupy another and get killed, don't complain.

@puff how are they "occupying" the land? Haven't they been their for more than 2k years?

@Tejas Only according to the goat herders guide to the galaxy which as we all know is not evidence. With that logic, I might claim the ocean as my ancestors crawled out of it a lot longer than 2000 years ago.
They are colonisers and use settlements as human shields when they seize land by force.

@puff I mean the Bible as a whole should be taken with a grain of salt. But Jews were definitely in Jerusalem according to the Romans. Some history in the Bible is accurate, also everything written in the Bible happened primarily in the middle east. Everyone is a colonizer, including you aussies. So let's not be hypocritical.

@Tejas The hypocrites are the woke who rioted and pulled down statues of colonisers, demanding history be rewritten to better reflect what happened with European colonisations. The rally against white privilege and the discrimination against minorities. All things I actually agree with.
But then in 2023/4 when European colonalists again seek to cleanse the land of former inhabitants they fucking support it.
Never again means don't stand by and say nothing when a genocide takes place, stop it. It certainly does not mean defend and enable it.
Jews may feel persecuted so if they possessed empathy, they would not do it to others. Zionist Israeli's are extreme Jews and are genocidal and psychopathic, look at Gaza. Zero empathy shown, even ignoring white flags.

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