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God is not a noun. God is a verb. If you think otherwise then you need to wake up.

Drank_Spear 7 Jan 31

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I think you should have stayed awake in your English class! Verbs can be conjugated: I god, you god, he gods?

a conjugated verb is a tense of a verb. I don't know what you're talking about.

@Drank_Spear I am not surprised you don't know what I am talking about; as I said, you should have stayed awake in English class. If an English word is a verb, the word can be conjugated to show its changes in form for person, number, tense, and mood. Nouns cannot be conjugated. Nouns change only for singular or plural.

@Bobbie63 very well, I am schooled.


You are not an atheist. Wake up (and leave

let love in, let love in to your heart.


As it turns out, the only thing tolerant people should not tolerate is intolerance.
Religion is intolerant.

Therefore, we should not tolerate religion.
Begone, religious ignoramus.
Go back to the dank den of lies and religious intolerance, from which you came.

@AtheistInNC I'm not religious. Wake up and pay attention.


I have been paying attention; that is what bothers you.
Your say one thing [I'm not religious] but spout another [god is a verb].

You CLAIM not to be religious, but by all your postings, you frot with the republican revivalists.
Stop posting religious claims in an agnostic forum, and I might believe you.

Until then, you are as religious as they come.

@AtheistInNC I appreciate you trying to label me for your own satisfaction. Fact is I don't give a fuck what you believe and no one does but you. So take your belief, roll it up real nice and stick up straight up your ass.

Secondly I will do whatever I want whenever I want to do it. You have no power, no influence. No nothing. Your bitching and moaning is nothing but comedy gold.


If you really didn't give a fuck, you wouldn't have replied, would you?

I called it 100 % right and you are butthurt.

Pull up your big gurl panties and suck up your butthurt and carry on.

@AtheistInNC lol....wonderful! I love what you tried to do there. Well done! But as you can see my feelings remain undamaged. I loved you before and I still love you.


Uh-huh. Just like a christian.

First you are all "stick up straight up your ass" then, when you realize how fucking wrong you are suddenly it's "I still love you"

Bat-shit crazy religious fuck.

@AtheistInNC no, I am human, are you? Is it that you consistently hate so you hate inconsistency? Human emotions can range from "Fuck you, I'm not putting up with your lame shit." to "I love you.". This is normal human behavior. It has nothing to do with religion. Because you are stuck on religion and unable to find your way past it you see every obstacle as religion. Every unknown as religion. You are full of hate. Yet you can release it and fill yourself with love. It is your choice.

@Drank_Spear But what we do have is a Hilarious time watching you stamp your little feet and scream, exactly like any 2-year old.
Apparently You think you are ridling us up or something when in fact you are funny, in a pathetic way.


If you think the 'stick it up your ass' comes before 'I love you' then that just underlines what a fucked up religious right wing conservative you are. you are a zealot who is masquerading as an agnostic and doing a very poor job of it.

I am not full of hate, I am just at the "I'm not putting up with your religious lame shit" which you are spewing.

Go back to your cult and take your 'god is a verb' with you; leave those of us who don't believe alone.

@AtheistInNC poor, poor atheist wants to be left alone. Well then go off all alone and be alone big boy. Stop crying to me. I'm not your daddy.

@annewimsy500 As if you opinion means anything to anyone but you. No one cares, Anne.

@Drank_Spear I never said or even implied that I care if anyone cares...unlike you, I am an adult.


Not many incels are daddies, thank goodness.

Do you have a timeline for your next arrest? I want to be there to witness and laugh.

@AtheistInNC I wish you well.

Oh dear! Does one have to be an atheist to comment on here? Sorry. I did not know that. I assume that is the case only for this group, not for the whole site since it is called, not


OMG it is @fuckyou browbeating us i too whatever his idea of "waking up" is, again.

browbeating? I see you are a constant victim. Congrats! It's a sign or a narcissist or just a weak individual.

@Drank_Spear yes, browbeating, as in your way or the highway, we are all simply awful if we do not Immedietely acknowledge your superior-ness, demanding that we bow down and worship, and of course be abjectly grateful that we are Soooo lucky to have you amongst us, annnd etc.
Your Momma was a poor life-skills teacher.

@annewimsy500 that is what is in your mind, not my posts. That sickness lies in your head. I'm simply trying to engage your thought systems in thought beyond the typical mundane stupid shit people post daily. If you need to make it about more than go ahead but that's you, it's not me.

@Drank_Spear like I said, I blame your Momma for your truly terrible interpersonal "skills"
It's not your fault...oh, wait, unless you are 11, yes it is.


God is imaginary.

what is imaginary is imagined and what is imagined is your own delusion. Therefore your concept of God is your delusion. You've simply slipped out of one delusion into another.

@Drank_Spear I have no concept of god.

@jlynn37 Yes you do. You just don't accept it. Science, nature, and self all tell us what God is or whatever you want to refer to it as.

@jlynn37 do not waste your precious time trying to reason with this arrogant know-nothing, his sole purpose on here is to insult everyone he deems inferior (all of humankind except him)


The only way God is used as a verb is as follows:

godded; godding
transitive verb

: to treat as a god : IDOLIZE, DEIFY

I never hear people say this myself. One might say that Trump has been godded by his moron followers, but only in sarcasm.

Elsewise it is a noun.

there is no need to state your ignorance publicly. If you are unable to think outside the box that's OK.

@Drank_Spear just giving you a grammar lesson. I leave your dillusional thinking to you.

@David1955 yes, you are telling me what the Matrix wants me to believe. You believe it. You accept it. You are a slave to it. The fact you don't realize you're a slave, well that's your problem.

@Drank_Spear thanks Morpheus. I'll brush up my kung fu.

@David1955 Can't see past a movie reference. Not a surprise.


this is pretty basic to spirituality. God or whatever name given to it or other entities are not people, places, things, etc. They are not nouns. Nouns are religion. In spirituality God is a verb, an action.

There's no need for anyone to go there. There is a need for people to understand this simple and basic difference.


Nobody says they are "Godding" things. Or "I Godded that mfer". Or watch out, "I'm gonna God you so good".

Are you sure it's not us that needs to wake up, but you that needs to go to sleep?

@foolmeonce what a nasty reply. Wish you the best.

@foolmeonce Good answer!

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