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Top EU Official Blows Whistle on ‘Climate Emergency Hoax’
A top European Union official has given an explosive statement to blow the whistle on the so-called “climate emergency,” exposing the narrative as a hoax.

The highly unpopular Green Deal is being championed by the unelected President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

Von der Leyen’s plan involves overregulation, tax hikes, subsidy cuts, and environmental reforms.

The policy has sparked widespread protests, especially among farmers in Germany.
seems to be so easy to get some people talked in the lie

1patriot 8 Feb 4

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Anybody who would wear what she is wearing is not getting 3 seconds of my attention...WTactualF ?????????? Xmas pajamas are not to be worn outside the home, or even when it ain't Xmas!

that's ok you would listen any way, you think the weathers changing because of what man's doing on the planet.....all liberals believe that one, as they parrot what MSM says...i call it brain washing you can call what ever you want.

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