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I got two buddies with 13 year old grand daughters. i have them over to target shoot on regular bases. they also hunt deer for the first year. next year who knows.

1patriot 8 Feb 5

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I am happy I am not your neighbor.

so am I you be over bitch at me all the time where the neighbor i have come over ask to borrow equipment, tractor and will shoot guns with me etc. And you would likely tell them 13 year girls learning gun safety that it wrong......

@1patriot I just would like some sound reduction on these fire arms. Not everyone wants to her other peoples racket. Women are more sensitive to sound than men I have found. If it could just not trespass on my quiet. I can't get enough of quiet which is why noise always seems to find me. I always thought Canadians were/are more considerate than us loud Americans. I guess I was wrong....again.

@Mooolah my neighbour is is 1/2" mile from me thought you were more against girls learning to hunt, fish and protect themself

@1patriot You thought wrong. My neighbors are about an acre away. Wanna trade?

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