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If you are not identified with anything, your mind will become part of the larger mind, the cosmos, or you could say God.

Drank_Spear 7 Feb 6

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This says it all . don’t worry I’ll be going to sleep pretty soon..


Roflmao...and what, pray tell, do you identify with?


As usual you do not make any sense whatsoever,congratulations on your consistency.

the quote is referencing meditation. It is referring to collective consciousness.


So in that case what people may call God may actually be a feeling inside of us that is reached by a number of different methods. That doesn't mean that God exists or even that our minds are merging with anything other than the deepest parts of ourselves that lay hidden to us so long as the mind is active in a normal way.

which people? Most people in the west refer to God as a deity. Many worldwide as well. Even some spiritual still view God in that archaic way. That's certainly not how I view or understand God.


If you are not identified with anything your mind is not working in your favor.

You know which wise man said that? None

@Drank_Spear Appeal to authority. Fail.

@foolmeonce failed at what? At something to do with you? I don't care.

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