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The federal appeals court decision n forcefully denying Trump’s claims of presidential immunity bode terribly for him and his future. It sets off a cascade of developments which are all negative for his future. The following are some of those likely developments:

  1. It will mean hat Trump will waste many more millions of dollars or campaign funds o lawyers in trying to appeal to the Supreme Court, and after their denial of his appeals, in trying to defend himself against charges.
  2. The Supreme Court is very unlikely to uphold his claims of immunity. It will deny he appeal. Even if it takes he appeal, it is still most unlikely to uphold his claims of immunity, as such a ruling would destroy the credibility of the Supreme Court as an institution and paint every justice supporting Trump’s claim with an enduring indelible mark of historical shame and disgrace.
  3. With one or more criminal trials of Trump likely to begin before the presidential election, it will become more and more apparent that the charges have substance and that there is a likelihood that he will be proven to be a criminal. By then, the New York Civil case will also have been decided with hundreds of millions of dollars in fines or penalties assed, Trump’s claims of such great business acumen and huge wealth will be in great doubt. That will cause many, many political independents and traditional Republicans to pull away from the criminal Trump.
  4. That will combine with the current operation fiasco occurring in Congress to bring in\to question the entire Republican Party at the national level. A criminal presidential candidate combined with a party more intent on preserving problems and in increasing governmental dysfunction than anything else is a bit more than any rational, moral, and patriotic American can stomach.
wordywalt 9 Feb 6

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Awwwww, poor widdle donny........


Maybe we're starting to see some sanity in this country. It is become clear that the party (both the Repubs. and Dems claim this but only one means it). that loudly touts the importance of law and order continues to show it really means law and order for some.


A court that upholds Trump’s immunity claim makes itself part of an inferior branch of government.

That can also be said as “Judges who uphold Trump’s immunity claim make themselves part of an inferior branch of government.”


Wonderful news Walt. Doesn't it mean that Biden & Clinton's wife won't be able to pull the same stunt when they're charged for their crimes against humanity & the American people?

And those would be..........?
In the "case against Hillary" it's only been about 9 years and $20,000,000 of our taxpayer dollars to pursue...what....???
Oh, and the investigative bodies were mostly Republicans, hell-bent on finding something, anything...did they?

@annewimsey500 fuck your Republicans - the majority of the world population are in on these.

@FrayedBear Such a classic reply from somebody who's got Nothin' but flapping gums

@annewimsey500 lol I've got something that you obviously don't have - the ability to read & write without having to enunciate the words out loud. You've been too long talking to yourself & the Cactus.

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