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There is No Man Made Climate Emergency!!!
The True Causes of Climate Change
The following information is from Andrew Kissack…
Some say Human caused CO2 drives climate.
Human caused Co2 is only 4% of the total Atmospheric Co2
(96% of atmospheric co2 is from natural causes)
In addition to Co2 there are many far more powerful causes of “climate change”
None of them have anything to do with human activity
Variations in solar inputs,
especially sunspot activity, occur on the sun and are transmitted to Earth as heat. Cosmic rays traveling across the universe are redirected towards Earth by sunspots' bursts of energy. This increases the Earth's temperature. Sunspot activity has now diminished, and this will cool the Earth.
The Earth's axis moves in a cycle that lasts 26,000 years, during which time it varies by 23 degrees from the neutral axis, which is perpendicular to the sun's rays. This changes the locations of deserts and forests.
Eccentricity of Earth's orbit
It changes the distance from the sun to the Earth. This varies the amount of heat the Earth receives from the sun. It warms and cools the Earth relatively and is called the Milankovitch cycle.
Meteors and comets
are plentiful but every so often can cause devastating changes to the Earth when they impact. One has been blamed for the extinction of the dinosaurs, at least in part.
Caused by tectonic plate movements, which occur in unpredictable ways and have been known to create extreme global temperature variations. The eruption of Tambora caused the 1815 “Year without a Summer,” with effects that lasted 3 years. There are approximately 1,500 active volcanoes, 500 of which have erupted in modern times, and 60 which are currently active in approximately 60 countries around the world.
Yellowstone is a supervolcano that will significantly change the climate when it erupts again. The majority of volcanoes are on the seabed and therefore hidden from view. There is an active volcano on the seabed close to Antarctica which has melted some of the ice. But this has wrongly been blamed on man-made global warming.
Submarine volcanoes,
or seamounts, of which there are about 120 that have erupted in modern times, create about 75% of the magma of the Earth and also heat the oceans.
Shifts in the Earth's molten core,
in unpredictable ways, change the magnetic poles and move them approximately 35 miles per year and can lead to pole reversals every 7,000 years.
Gulf Stream
and other currents are generally consistent, but other variations of hundreds of miles can cause huge environmental changes.
Jet stream shifts (Ancillary).
They move heat energy in unpredictable ways.
Intermittent interacting cycles (Ancillary): El Niño, La Niña, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Pacific Multidecadal Oscillation, Arctic/Antarctic Oscillations, and Madden-Julian oscillation, among others.
Periodic variables warming and cooling effects of the atmosphere and water throughout the world.
Unpredictable ice ages.
Continental drift, over the very long term.
Moon gravity affects all parts of the ocean and land and has worldwide effects but localizes based on its immediate position.
Measurements from NASA state that the Earth has only warmed 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880.
That is 142 years, through the Industrial Revolution.
NASA also states that there has been no temperature increase since 1998.
The presumptions of the eco-lunatics are that this trend will continue forever.
Also, that man caused the heating problem and that man can cool the Earth down.
They further discount the evidence of history of recorded weather that shows that the changes are natural and cannot be shown to be caused by humans.
Man-made global warming is a guess upon a guess upon a guess.
In reality It is a lie and needs to be stopped
Chris Farmer

1patriot 8 Feb 12

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I applaud the extensively researched information you have compiled.
The Al Gores & John Kerry's of the world strongly disagree. As a constant state of fear & anxiety is preferred among the plebs they deem to be subject's

Obama purchased a $ 30 million sea front property.
Hes obviously concerned about rising sea levels..

What is just as diabolical & misleading as the ". How dare you". speech by Greta ( no climate justice for stolen land ". Israel) Thunberg. Is the brainwashing. of half the worlds children. Just stop oil wants nothing short of India along with other developing countries. To once again be deprived of energy & experience extreme poverty all over again..
". All those climate grifting communists are cowards".


True to form, @1patriot has once again posted pure bullshit.


The first graph is the Keeling curve, and it shows the annual fluctuations of CO2 and the overall increase in concentration since 1958. The data was collected at the top of Mauna Loa, in Hawaii.

The second graph is the Keeling curve going back 850,000 years. This data is from air bubbles trapped in ice. The ice cores went down 2 miles into the Antarctic ice sheet, all the way to bedrock. Notice how the CO2 level spikes right at the very end (right side). The beginning of that spike corresponds with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The CO2 concentration today is about 100 ppm higher than it ever was in the last 850,000 years.

The third graph shows the total human CO2 emissions. For several decades now we have been emitting about 100 times more CO2 than the greatest natural source (volcanic activity). The atmospheric CO2 concentration would be a lot higher if not for what is going on in the 4th graph.

The fourth graph shows how the the pH of the oceans is dropping (meaning the water is becoming more acidic). 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, which readily absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and water combine to form carbonic acid in the following reaction:
CO2 + H2O → H2CO3

Silly @Flyingsaucer...posting a slew of actual facts......what Are you thinking?
Poor, poor @1patriot, he will have a mouthy meltdown!

Ah fuck all to worry about CO2 brainwashed. Poor poor flysaucersir. Of course there fluctuations in CO2. Just like farming some years are better than other that adds up to more CO2 and volcano etc so where are your measurements coming from today. So scholar's winner noble prizes say climate change is nothing be considered about. But your smarter than them (i forgot) must have be lost in all shit throwing you been doing. So just like you always say bullshit!

@annewimsey500 I'm not trying to convince @1patriot; he appears to be a lost cause. I'm speaking to the community at large, any hapless passerby unlucky enough to read his absurd and misleading postings.

@Flyingsaucesir understand!!!
I have nattered on like that myself a few times......caring is sharing, and so on......


So, nothing is going to change and no species will go extinct, nor anyone die on account of it's all Natural.
So is asbestos, lead, cocaine, heroin, uranium, radon, arsenic and etc......why not personally enjoy a buffet platter of any 3?
Why not?

Hey brain wash good after noon.


Who cares at this point? The fact remains weather patterns are shifting and putting huge population and food production centers at risk.
Better to find solutions to help those at risk and stop trying to distract with silly arguments over whether it's real, what it's called and who is to blame. geezzzzzzzzz

if man has nothing to do with the change in climate (and we don't) it's natural from the sun to moon to oceans to the earth. it's not a good thing when the parasite push this lie and tell all city folk we have shut 4000 farmer so they can come in and buy it up. and the fertilizer, and cattle, are bad for the environment and we must quit. lets burn all the meat packing plants to ground and no we won't rebuild. there a lot of people have to get there shit together and start looking at the whole picture.
these pricks have people in every county and city doing there bidding they worked on this for 30 years using our tax dollar

they have had names for these event for years, and i posted yesterday what was to blame our polar north is over 150 miles off right now and can stay that way for 60-80 years and every 26,000 years the poles ever switch imagine the chaos when that happens.

@silverotter11 Well, details matter. If we don't acknowledge the root of the problem, how are we ever going to solve it?

Happily, this numb-nuts denialist poster is part of a shrinking minority. Climate change is in everybody's face now; it's obvious and undeniable. And the message from science is abundantly clear: burning fossil fuels causes global warming. Good thing stodgy old farts are dying off; younger people are especially eager to head it off before it kills them. They don't have time to waste on boneheaded denialism.

@Flyingsaucesir Hopefully ideas and plans can be formed to help those most impacted.

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