Of course the person holding the sign has not been lied to or brainwashed.
because he doesn't get information from the zionist main stream media. and was home schooled. many science books written 30-40 years ago had many truth's in them until the fifthly rich started getting into every school curriculum including public school, college's, university's.
@1patriot Who is the "zionist main stream media"?
@Alienbeing all your main stream media they parrot the same story ABC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, BBC. i don't know all of them but this is part of them they also own the media in Europe and other countries. They are Known for enjoying too-big-to-fail bailouts, exclusive rights from gov't "regulators, " insider deals and revolving doors with central banksters, and pumps out nonstop Zionist liberal propaganda and Zionist neo-con propaganda
@1patriot Sounds like you just don't like Israel. After eliminating all the networks you mentioned, who is left?
@Alienbeing the jews of Israel are calling out the Zionist Jew and are mad at them, also as zionist is really not even a jew. We have more zionist jews in America than we do in Israel these are the guys that big in the human trafficking, money laundering as the own all the banks, drug trafficking and they have done for the last 300 years or more some call them the Khazarian Mafia. [veteranstodayarchives.com]
or here is the video of the same article