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We can question each other's religious beliefs ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 14

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When one defines their own worth as being what their religious beliefs are, how should we judge them?

I would need more background before I can answer your question.

@anglophone Of me or the person involved?

@jackjr Of the person that you describe.

I think in such a case, a person describes their own worth in terms of religion, the only valid judgement I'd feel comfortable making is that that person is not worth my time to listen to.

@snytiger6 In this country I strongly feel a basic freedom is the freedom of association. When one comes out as religious or a conspiracy theorists they are not worth being associated with. One can never know what's really on their mind and how hard they would push to get what's most important to them. For me my no.1 motivation are my principles.


For those who go about their religious observances and beliefs without imposing them on others, I am perfectly content. For those who try to ram those same things down my throat, I have nothing but contempt.


Yes. What do we want their worth to be? You define your own worth.

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