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The truth shall set you free. Ive heard this statement used to justify accountability and self judgment or sacrificing yourself, but what does it really mean?

The Jews used to sacrifice a lamb or cast their sins of the tribe on a goat and send it in the wilderness. It seems absurd to us today that killing an animal frees you from.the consequences of violating the law (sin).

How does obeying Jesus's command to forgive free you?

Forgiveness opens your eyes to the deception that is "law."

The only unforgivable sin is to judge your neighbor, judge and ye shall be judged.

The only time judgment is allowed is when you judge someone who is judgemental. Even God won't forgive someone who judges. Only the King can judge others, and the King won't judge those who forgive.

So what does the truth shall set you free mean? It opens your eyes that there is no sin. Sin is a deception.

Once you understand that sin is deception, which God opens your eyes when you forgive, that the apple was eaten from deception, there is no sin.

So how does the truth set you free from sin?

Those blinded by the law conflate legal with moral.

It is immoral to sell lemonade.

It is immoral to not come to a full stop at a stop sign.

Libertarians have a keen insight into the deception that is law.

Communistbitch 6 Feb 18

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Just like the people in the Old and New Testaments who had their blood sacrifices to "save" them from accountability and people today confessing their "sins" to a stranger in a box without accepting accountability from the people they have actually wronged. Your Libertarian attitude seems to be to do away with "laws" altogether so that no one can be held accountable for breaking them, which is just as absurd and ridiculous. That sounds like Trump and his cohorts.

You sound like a believer or have been indoctrinated sometime in your life. If you are a believer you should know this verse:

"My brothers and sisters, God called you to be free, but do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what pleases your sinful self. Serve each other with love. The whole law is made complete in this one command: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”  If you go on hurting each other and tearing each other apart, be careful, or you will completely destroy each other." - Galatians 5:13-15

In other words, don't be a Trump.

Yall are weird. Everything always about trump. Point is, and you missed it entirely, laws are made up. There are laws you disagree with, such as it being illegal to have an abortion in some states. So you are basically a hypocrite, which Jesus exposed corrupt assholes like you a long time ago.

@Communistbitch So, you are a believer, which makes you a waste of time. Trump also believes he is above the law. You are also saying that laws that protect us from murder and theft are not necessary, those laws are also "made up". You are ridiculous.

@nogod4me laws also facilitate mass murder when jews were killed by nazis

@nogod4me which means that the law is merely an illusion, a fiction, just as much as God is, since laws were founded, as in the case of the 10 commandments, by a fictional God.

@nogod4me plus, you clearly believe in some laws, and not others, so you pretend to believe in something you don't believe in, which makes you a hypocrite

@Communistbitch So, you say: "law is merely an illusion, a fiction", yet:

"You clearly believe in some laws, and not others, so you pretend to believe in something you don't believe in, which makes you a hypocrite."

Just because there are unjust laws does not mean we do not need just laws. You are ignorant.

@nogod4me you are blinded by your own judgement. For you to see, you must first forgive. Take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother's eye. You cannot see because you don't see the log in your own eye. Not everything is meant to be taken literally. Who cares if it wasn't an apple?

@Communistbitch I'm pointing out the logs in both of your eyes. You are blind to reality. You project onto me the very thing that you are doing. Trying to escape accountablity by scapegoating me.

Laws are not merely an illusion, a fiction. Laws are necessary because there are lawless people. Trump is a good example. He believes others should be held accountable by laws but not himself.

Yes, some unjust laws have been established by unscrupulous people trying to push their harmful beliefs and religious agenda on others. As religion is dying and people have become woke these laws will be eradicated.

However, those who break the law, those who infringe upon the rights of others, need to be held accountable, not forgiven, and not have others be held accountable for their crimes, that is just more religious nonsense.

I point out your "apple" error to demonstrate that you do not know even the basics of the nonsense you are trying to push.

@nogod4me the logs that you see are the logs in your own eyes. If you look at Mao ZeDong, who was atheist, he killed more people in the shortest period of time than anybody. To think that "religion" is responsible for those horrors is dumb, because mao zedong was an atheist and banned religion. He has the world record for murder, more than the people who died in the so called dark ages, and only in a span of 4 years. So the reason you are stupid is because you fail to recognize that the law itself is guilty of committing mass murder, and not being held accountable. That's why Jesus said, you pharisees, you hypocrites, meaning that they secretly violated the law, but pretended to be holier than thou, which is like what you do, while supporting comminusn and mass murder, you think you are morally and intellectually superior, simply because you don't believe in God. Historically, those who believe they are superior, committed some of the worst crimes against humanity. But again, you mistake me for a believer, I don't believe Jesus existed.

@nogod4me funny, in the same sentence, trying to escape accountability, and laws are necessary because we have lawless people and then in the same essay you said (these laws will be eradicated) which means there are laws you disagree with. That means you don't believe in law, you only want to cherry pick the laws you like, and not follow the law, while avoiding accountability as well.

@Communistbitch No I did not say that. You are insanely ignorant. You should learn how to read and understand what you read.

@nogod4me Laws are necessary because there are lawless people. Trump is a good example. He believes others should be held accountable by laws but not himself.

As religion is dying and people have become woke these laws will be eradicated.

@nogod4me copied straight from your words. These laws will be eradicated, shows you don't believe in some laws, but support others, therefore are a hypocrite

@Communistbitch Now you are a liar. Here is what I wrote in context:
Laws are not merely an illusion, a fiction. Laws are necessary because there are lawless people. Trump is a good example. He believes others should be held accountable by laws but not himself.

Yes, some unjust laws have been established by unscrupulous people trying to push their harmful beliefs and religious agenda on others. As religion is dying and people have become woke these laws will be eradicated.

Liars are the most degenerate and disgusting people on this planet. You are a liar.

Since you also seem to be an idiot, I said, that unjust and harmful laws established by unscrupulous people will be eradicated .

@nogod4me no. You're just too stupid to understand your own logical fallacy, your ego won't allow you to be wrong. You cannot simultaneously say you support laws and that these laws will be eradicated. That's cherry picking, just like the atheists say, why do Christians eat pork but hate gays? You're doing exactly the same shit!!!!! Dumb fuck!!!!!!

@Communistbitch No I did not say that. You are insanely ignorant. You should learn how to read and understand what you read. Do you even know what a paragraph is? Again, you are nothing but a liar.

@Communistbitch You are beyond stupid.

Let me break it down for your simple mind.

Laws are necessary for lawless people, like Trump and those like him. People who murder, steal, and harm others, etc.

However, laws established by unscrupulous people trying to push their harmful beliefs and religious agenda, laws that actually harm people, should and will be eradicated.

@nogod4me and so you agree with Mao ZeDongs laws which resulted in the most murders historically in the shortest period of time? So all hail mister EGO since HE knows which laws are good and which are not. Doesn't work like that dipshit. Just the same way Christians say I eat pork but kill fags. You can't cherry pick the laws. You either follow them or you dont.

@Communistbitch I think you really have mental problems. In no way have I even inferred the shit you spew. Fuck Off, Liar!

@nogod4me you said "laws that harm people, should and will be eradicated"

"Laws are necessary for lawless people, like Trump and those like him, people who steal,murder and harm others etc"

However, your ego will say taking money without consent is not theft, it is tax. Taxation is theft because taking money without consent is theft.

Only YOU get to decide what constitutes harm and theft, because YOUR EGO will not allow otherwise.

You are right, everyone else is wrong. You are morally and intellectually superior, because. Your EGO demands it.

However, if you read the 2 statements, you said laws should be eradicated and also are necessary, do you understand your logical fallacy?

@Communistbitch I think you really have mental problems. In no way have I even inferred the shit you spew. Fuck Off, Liar!

@nogod4me lmao it's your words not mine

@Communistbitch You have already proven you are a disgusting liar. Taking my words out of context, rearranging my comments and telling me I believe or accept nonsense that you make up. You are a disgusting liar. I have already explained my comments to the point that a child could understand, you are just being willfully ignorant because you know you are wrong and are acting just like a believer. There is no logical fallacy, as I have said before:

Laws are necessary for lawless people, like Trump and those like him. People who murder, steal, and harm others, etc.

However, laws established by unscrupulous people trying to push their harmful beliefs and their religious agenda, laws that actually harm people, should and will be eradicated.

You are too stupid to realize that there are good laws that benefit people and bad laws that discriminate and are harmful to people. Many of those harmful laws we have already changed or eradicated. For you not to know that makes you an imbecile.

According to your handle you are a "communist" and a "bitch". You should also add "liar" to your name:
"Lyingcommunistbitch" would be more appropriate. Why don't you show a photo of yourself coward so everyone can see what a "Lyingcommunistbitch" looks like.

So, again. Fuck Off, Liar! I have nothing more to say to you. You are disgusting.

@nogod4me it's not taken out of context, your brain is too low of an IQ to understand.

EGO is in control here, not your brain

@Communistbitch Fuck Off, Liar!

@nogod4me where's the lie?

@Communistbitch Fuck Off You Lying Piece of Shit!

@nogod4me it's you that's full of shit. Holier than thou my ass.

@Communistbitch You are a liar, that makes your words worthless, which also makes you worthless.
Fuck Off You Worthless Lying Piece of Shit!

@nogod4me ill leave you to stroke your pathetic fragile ego

@Communistbitch Fuck Off You Worthless Lying Communist Bitch Piece of Shit


Sin is the idea that immoral acts put an imaginary stain on your (Also imaginary. ) soul, which needs to be cleaned by forgiveness. And the church claims to have a monopoly on forgiveness.

Putting fear into people is the best way to market a product they don't actually need. And since it is a mail order product, which they say, won't be delivered until after you are dead, no complaints and no returns.

Have you every seen one of those detergent adverts, that starts by telling you that your clothes may not be, really, clean ?

Sin in the Bible is clearly defined as violating the law. The 10 commandments were essentially Jewish laws. Forgiveness means that you had judgement withheld. As the prostitute violated the law, the punishment was to be stoned to death. Therefore, Jesus said, let he who is without sin throw the first stone (self reflection, they all realized they violated the law) . So each person walked away, realizing they were guilty of breaking the law, therefore they could not enforce what they didn't follow, else be a hypocrite.

The entire religion of Christianity was to expose the hypocrisy of the law, as the law committed murder against Jesus, therefore condemning itself. Which means, it lost all credibility.

In modern days, During covid, it was illegal to get a haircut. So, Nancy Pelosi, hypocrite "law abiding" citizen she is, decided, rules for thee, but not for Me. She decided that the rules don't apply to her. However, as Andrew tate pointed out, the elite have one set of rules for the peasants, and laugh at them, because the same rules do not apply to them. Christianity exposed this corruption 2000 years ago, nothing new under the sun.

@Communistbitch Yes, that is the correct reading. Although it is interesting that the story of the woman caught in adultery, to which you refer, is a late addition to the Bible, which does not appear in any of the early manuscript copies. In fact, of all the stories in the Gospels, it is the one we can be most certain is false. So that we can be reasonably certain, that it was an invention made long after Christian theology and its ideas on law and sin were well developed.

@Fernapple except that, this isn't the only story in the Bible that teaches forgiveness, it is the primary lesson of the Bible, that and having faith.

Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven, judge and ye shall be judged.

Also, the story of the king who forgave a debtor, and that debtor did not forgive his debtor, so the king changed his mind. There are many stories pointing to this same lesson.

@Communistbitch Of course there is plenty of reinforcement, since the church wanted to pose as holding the monopoly on forgiveness, they needed to drum the message home.

@Fernapple the modern day church has no "authority" to forgive, as it's a made up concept just like government. I'm disheartened that you atheists are unable to grasp such a simple concept.

@Communistbitch That is the whole point. But I am sorry to say that the church, especially churches in the catholic tradition, still do pose as though they did, and still pretend to control many of the signs of forgiveness. While the idea of sin is itself purely a means to make exclusive forgiveness needed, it does not matter that many of the churches may claim that they do not control the means of forgiveness, and that in some cases they claim that that is the sole preserve of god, since they control the god and the routes to access god, they still control regulate and sell forgiveness.

@Fernapple and so does the prosecutor , who can decide not to prosecute, or the police officer, who decides not to make an arrest. It's all a sham

@Communistbitch All human institutions are shams, not a single institution, of any sort, in the whole history of humanity was ever remotely as it self described. You can only derive honesty and truth from individuals, since institutions exist to share out the responsibility of deception, when it is too great for any one person to support. That is the main, if not the only purpose of institutions.


What a load of nonsense. Sin can also be defined as: immoral act, wrong, wrongdoing, act of evil/wickedness, transgression, crime, offense, misdeed, and misdemeanor, so sin does exist. You don't have to call it sin just because the Bible does. If your 1 year old daughter was brutally raped then murdered, would you think that that was wrong?

"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." - Hebrews 9:22 - That is why the Old Testament had their scapegoats and the New Testament had their Lamb of God. Yes, of course it was nonsense, just people trying to escape accountability.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive". - Marmion, Sir Walter Scott

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain: Motivational Notebook, Journal, Diary

Truth sets you free because when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control or you cannot keep track of. Trump is a good example.

By the way, the Bible does not say the fruit was an apple.

Now, think, my boy, whose blood was used to clean sin? Jesus. Idiot

So since Jesus cast no judgement, and he was guilty of blasphemy and working on the sabbath day (healing people on sabbath day). The thing that distinguished Jesus was not that he didn't commit sin, it was that he did not judge anyone. He had the power to kill his enemies and cast judgement, but he withheld it, as in how he saved the prostitute from being stoned to death. So by withholding judgement, Jesus saved the sinner from death by stoning to death, however, the people did not return his forgiveness and called for his death. This exemplified the hypocrisy the law as all these people were also guilty under the law. You're the one being dishonest by claiming you are holier than thou.

@Communistbitch How funny it is that you are still commenting on your ridiculous post.

For someone who claims not to be a believer, ("But again, you mistake me for a believer, I don't believe Jesus existed." - those are your words.) you sure don't sound like a non-believer.

"Now, think, my boy, whose blood was used to clean sin? Jesus. Idiot" - Your words again. You are a hypocritical idiot. So I will tell you the same thing I told your worthless ass before:
"Fuck Off You Worthless Lying Communist Bitch Piece of Shit" - Those were and are my words to you.

By the way, you really do have mental problems.

@nogod4me jesus doesn't exist, correct. But your inability to understand a simple concept shows you are mentally deficient in the extreme

@Communistbitch The person making an assertion must prove the assertion that they make. Prove to us that Jesus doesn't exist.

Your little deranged post is totally contrary to what the Bible says:

"Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness." - 1 John 3:4
You don't even understand the simple basics of Christianity.

So again I say:
"Fuck Off You Worthless Lying Communist Bitch Piece of Shit" - Those were and are my words to you. Oh, and let me add "hypocritical".

By the way, you really do have mental problems.

@nogod4me so now a faggot atheist is quoting the Bible like he knows his shit, when you are clearly fucking stupid to anyone with half a brain. Didn't the Bible say to kill faggots? The point is, retard, is something you once again missed. Jesus was condemned by the law, you fucking idiot. By killing Jesus, who never judged anyone, the law exposed itself as hypocrisy, since all were guilty befioe the law, including your faggot ass, who is forgiven fir being a faggot, since in those days, you would fwt the death penalty, and even today in saudi Arabia, you would get the death penalty.

@Communistbitch I have dealt with the religious mind and cults for over forty years, so I know your Bible, which, apparently you do not. You haven't got a clue what you are talking about.

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:17-19

In the Bible story, Jesus consistently judged and condemned hypocrites and evil. - Matthew 23 - This is one of the reasons The Pharisees wanted him dead, he revealed their hypocrisy.

"For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son," - John 5:22

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." - 2 Corinthians 5:10

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified for calling himself the King of the Jews:

Pilate's accusation
During Jesus' trial, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate accused Jesus of calling himself the King of the Jews. This is recorded in all four Gospels.

Placard on the cross
The charge that Jesus was the King of the Jews was written on the placard over his head while he was on the cross.

By the way, for someone who is not a believer, you seem very concerned with Biblical shit.

Don't worry though, you have already denied Christ, so according to the Bible you are going to hell:
"But the one who denies and rejects Me before men, that one I will also deny and reject before My Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 10:33

The Bible contradicts itself saying Jesus took our sins while at the same time reveals that Jesus was disqualified as a savior because he also had a sin naure. According to the Bible, Jesus was born a man, free of sin, from a corruptible sinful virgin girl who possessed the fallen nature of Adam and Eve, even though NO ONE who is a descendant of Adam and Eve is righteous and ALL have a fallen nature (Romans 1:3; Romans 3:10; Romans 3:23), and that Mary could not be redeemed apart from Jesus shedding his blood and dying for her (Hebrews 9:22; Hebrews 10:4), without which the sin-nature of fallen man would continue in Jesus, and yet he was somehow not a blemished sacrifice and was somehow the perfect sacrifice for sin, even though he would also possess the sinful nature of Adam and Eve through Mary. And that somehow his sacrificial body was not corruptible, even though he aged, and had to sleep, eat and poop.

So Just Fuck Off You Worthless, Hypocritical, Lying Communist Bitch, Piece of Shit. You are boring.

And, by the way, you really do have mental problems.

@nogod4me again, he wasn't perfect, but what distinguished him was his lack of judgment, which means, the law is hypocrisy, which is evident today with kamala harris openly admitting smoking marijuana, while having prosecuted people for the same, which is hypocrisy, which the law is. The law is just made up bullshit, which you believe in strongly, because you are a dumbass. Your cult is no different than the Christian cult

@Communistbitch You don't seem to realize that making stupid comments is your problem.

You are so stupid, Kamala prosecuted for the state, not for herself. If she were caught breaking the law then another prosecutor would prosecute her.

The character Jesus in the Bible story is believed by some religions ito be god, he's supposed to be perfect. I think you are trying to say he was not judgmental, not that he had a "lack of judgment."

There are quite a few laws that protect you that I'm sure "you believe in strongly", if not, then you are the dumbass.

I think the only reason you keep commenting is that no one else wants to pay any attention to you.

So Just Fuck Off You Worthless, Hypocritical, Lying Communist Bitch, Piece of Shit. YOU ARE BORING!!!!

And, by the way, you really do have mental problems.

@nogod4me you really are a piece of shit. Kamala not only got caught, she openly confessed. Dumb retarded bitch ass faggot. The state doesn't exist you retarded faggot ass bitch.

@nogod4me your god is the state, you retarded bitch!!!!! I'm blocking your dumb retarded faggot ass

@Communistbitch Send me the link where she was caught with marijuana. The state of California you idiot.

So Just Fuck Off You Worthless, Hypocritical, Lying Communist Bitch, Piece of Shit. YOU ARE BORING!!!!

And, by the way, you really do have mental problems.


According to Saul of Tarsus "sin" was described as "missing the mark" in an archery target shot senario. It was then said that we all miss the mark. If that is true then we are not living up to our full potential. This truth would fit most of us. At my current age I'm more into pleasing myself and doing whatever I want to do.

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