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EVERY Truck CARRIER Freeze Loads to NYC After Trump's $355M Ruling | Food Shortages Coming In the video, I will discuss the unfolding trucker boycott in New York City following the $355 million verdict against Trump. Witness the ripple effects as truck drivers and companies unite in protest, potentially leading to a supply chain crisis in NYC. Tune in for the latest updates and reactions from both sides Now they can eat crickets and mill worms..............ENJOY
1patriot 8 Feb 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I live moments from I-95, the main artery between Boston and NYC, use it almost daily, (today, in fact) and I assure you truck traffic is absolutely as usual in Both directions.
Quoting somebody else's wet dream is pretty stupid.

your having wet dreams now or who? flyingsaucer


that ended 30 minutes after it started.

that why it's still going! that was some liberals that said that......

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