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Nobel Prize winners, the greatest minds and thinkers of our age agree that “climate change” is a “destructive phenomenon” and the “Terror of our age” whilst other’s, “Bill, from down the pub”, my auntie Mary; who knows everything about everything, disagree Of course, all the leading minds in the world could be wrong and it is just a period of global warming, it could just be a natural occurrence, it could be simply because someone in Sweden has left their fire on (those Swedes). If I have to make a measured decision on such things then I think the worlds leading scientists edge it over Bill and Mary. Of course there is another more obvious point to make. If the “leading scientists” are wrong then we can all say “Phew” and get on with our carbon burning lives. We can construct laurel wreathes for Bill and Mary and congratulate them on their prescience.

If the worlds leading scientists are right, however, we are condemning our grandchildren to death, we are condemning the human race to death. I am neither smart enough to tell you about increasing levels of carbon dioxide nor increasing temperatures but I am smart enough to know that I would listen to someone with a doctorate rather than “Bill”. I bet Bill can snort a beer faster than any doctor.

1patriot 7 Feb 22

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Its true that 97 percent of scientists agree, with however is funding them..

yes and the alarmist are funded the heaviest, they have their government that push it as if the can't get you to believe climate change bullshit......the can't enforce their new war order on us. read agenda 2030 and rockefeller lock step plan.


The opinions of Nobel prizewinners are irrelevant as there are no Nobel prizes in climate science. The statements of climate scientists are very relevant, as they are based on a massive amount of research, published in tens of thousands of scientific papers going back many decades, covering evidence from the atmosphere, oceans and historical geology, as well as fundamental physics. This evidence means it is almost certain that the current warming is largely human-made, and that it is going to drastically change our environment.

another pseudoscience fellow you will not find anyone that has won nobel say the climate is imperil. But you will hear them say there is no climate emergency. you find me a nobel prize winner that says the climate is imperil!

For his tireless work in educating the public about climate change (including his documentary film An Inconvenient Truth), Al Gore shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


Skeptical Science has a great APP to answer the climate change deniers. You can type in the climate change deniers nonsense and get the scientific rebuttal or answer, see below.

Explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation

Global warming is real and human-caused. It is leading to large-scale climate change. Under the guise of climate "skepticism", the public is bombarded with misinformation that casts doubt on the reality of human-caused global warming. This website gets skeptical about global warming "skepticism".

Our mission is simple: debunk climate misinformation by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of science denial, discourses of climate delay, and climate solutions denial.


Get the Skeptical Science App:

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My two cents: predicting climate 100years down the road is very difficult to get right. There are so many variables which can drastically affect the outcome of they change even a little bit. I also don’t like being told or taxed to push me in a certain direction.
The predicted effects of climate change will be limited as soon as someone finds a way to profit from it.

If you don't understand the difference between weather and climate, then your opinion is not worth 2 cents. In fact, you ought to pay to express it.

@antman writes, "The predicted effects of climate change will be limited as soon as someone finds a way to profit from it."

That is only true if we address the problem before the climate system reaches the tipping point where feedback loops cause the temperature to spiral up uncontrollably. No one knows where exactly that point is, but most climate scientists agree we are fast approaching it. A rise of 3°C over preindustrial levels is generally thought to be catastrophic. Right now we are about half way there and climate change is already manifest everywhere, with devastating results. And we are on track to blow right past 3°C if we don't stop burning fossil fuels toot sweet.

Feedback loops to watch:
Deforestation of Amazon and other forests
Retreat of Arctic Ocean sea ice
Melting of permafrost
Warming oceans release methane hydrate

Example: The huge and unprecedented fires across the boreal forests of Canada and Siberia are an indication of having reached a tipping point. The heat WE CAUSED is drying out the forests, making them susceptible to insects, further weakening the trees, which now readily burn, releasing more CO2, which causes more warming. We have turned the forest from a CO2 sink into a CO2 source.

Example: The warming WE CAUSED is changing the Arctic Ocean from a reflective surface that sent 90% of the solar energy that hit it back out into space, into a dark body that absorbes 90% of the solar energy that hits it. That heat then gets distributed all around the planet by ocean currents.

Example: large pits, some tens of meters in diameter, are opening up across Siberia, where buildup of methane gas in melting permafrost has explosively forced its way to the surface. Methane is about 100 times better than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. The permafrost is melting because of heating that WE CAUSED, and the result is more greenhouse gases that will amplify what we have started.

Example: Methane hydrate sits on the ocean floor. There are billions of tons of it. It's stable as long as the ocean water doesn't get too warm. If it does get too warm, it will come bubbling up, adding a LOT MORE greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. The last time this happened, 95% of the species on Earth went extinct.

How lucky are you feeling?

@Severnman I do know the difference.

@Flyingsaucesir I guess we will have to wait a good many years to see who is right.

@antman Then you will know that predicting climate change with some accuracy is a lot simpler problem than predicting the weather, as with climate there are not 'so many variables which can drastically affect the outcome of they change even a little bit'.


What's this? @1patriot turning over a new leaf?

Doubt it.....poorly-hidden agenda coming right up!

your the one telling me, man made CO2 is 100 time more than natural CO2 which i read in some of the shit you were sending me! that bullshit if i ever heard bullshit. and your pick pseudoscience articles not peer reviewed like the articles i have posted assuming you never read any way.

@1patriot I generally don't have to read more than a few lines, in the articles you post, before I find an egregious lie.

@1patriot Yer baaaaaccckkkk!

@Flyingsaucesir that why you know nothing your brain washed and refuse to accept any other view. i have read the IPCC reports and bullshit cook university skeptical science garbage. that the difference i have posted likely 9-10 peer reviewed article in the last few months on it this is not a peer reviewed article. so you have some learning to do for a genius.

@1patriot And I don't know why you keep saying I'm a genius. I'm not, and never claimed to be.

@Flyingsaucesir yes you did!!!!!

@1patriot And your evidence? If you can find where I said I was a genius, just take screen shots of my comment and the post it came from. Time to put up or shut up. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir you prove me wrong all you liberal have to say is we conservatives look it up now i am giving you your shit back. it was when you start calling names i am sure you can remember that. greatest teacher in California or something like that

@1patriot You made an assertion, it's up to you to back it up. You can't or won't? OK!

As the great Christopher Hitchens said,

"That which can asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."


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