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Perhaps we should replace the term "religious right" with ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 23

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Seems Perfect to me........


Oh I don't know if that's true. The core DNA of the death cult known as Christianity has always been anti modernist, anti science, anti diversity, and aligned with wealth, power and authoritarianism. Relatively modern Christianity has flirted with these so called good things in the bible, but even that is dying out, and this Death Cult is reverting to its core. When in the past did we ever hear about the Christian Left? Never. Never existed. The essence of this cult is reactionary conservative and authoritarianism. Secular biblical scholars will tell you how ghastly what the bible says truly is. The crazy Christian Right isn't a corruption of Christian beliefs but rather a reflection of what this cult stands for.


I prefer fake or phony Christianity, or as Betty Browers calls it, " Bigotry dressed up in Bible drag"...

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