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Nickelodeon Studios time capsule content list:

  1. Movies - Home Alone and Back to the Future on VHS.
  2. CDs - Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em by MC Hammer and Michael Jackson's Dangerous album.
  3. A Nintendo Game Boy
  4. Rollerblades
  5. Reebok Pump sneakers
  6. A jar of Gak
  7. One of Joey Lawrence's "Whoa! 92" hats
  8. News reports - Girl standing atop Soviet tank in Red Square during the Communist hard liners’ coup attempt in August 1991; Coverage of the AIDS crisis; Desert Storm; and the end of the Soviet Union.
  9. Books - A world atlas; history book; comic book; phone book; the Orlando TV Guide for the week of April 30, 1992; and a copy of the Book of Endangered Species
  10. An issue of Nickelodeon Magazine
  11. A Nicktoons t-shirt featuring Ren & Stimpy
  12. A piece of the Berlin Wall
  13. A Barbie doll
  14. Pencils
  15. A skateboard
  16. A baseball
  17. Twinkies
  18. A stick of bubble gum
  19. Photos of things too big (or alive) to fit inside - Including bicycles, planes, trains, cars, politicians and celebrities.
  20. A videotape - Which was a recording of the live ceremony, shot by a girl named Vicky who stood onstage to operate the Kid Cam.
  21. The camera recording the tape - This appears to have been unplanned. Mike O'Malley and Joey Lawrence both looked baffled about how to remove the tape from the camera, so the whole setup was tossed in at the last minute. Was this even voted on or was it a last-minute add-in courtesy of Mike O’Malley? Either way, no one was going to question Mike O’Malley. The guy was basically CEO of the Aggro Crag, and no doubt about it, he had GUTS.
Ryo1 8 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I will be 90 years old. If the world doesn't blow itself up, I could make it! My mom lived to be 90.

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