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Fry me to the moon! I finally bought an air fryer. My Macy's store is closing, so everything is currently on sale. I took advantage of the reduced price and bought myself one of these gadgets everyone is talking about. Looks to be a good way to cook some simple meal items with very little effort and clean up. I'm all in for that!

I'm about to embark on eating better over the next few months and I'm going to count a little bit of meal prep as "exercise" as incentive to get myself to actually cook something rather than simply open a package of ready made food. (I'm not known for my cooking ability.) So far I've used it 3 times in the 22 hours I've had it, just practicing with food items I already have in my kitchen.

Any tips on what to cook in it? If you have one, what is your favorite easy meal item to air fry?

Julie808 8 Feb 29

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Bon appetit!


If you do vegetables (cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli etc etc etc) in the air fryer it is Exactly like an entirely new class of food, a really, really yummy one!!!!!

I'm looking forward to trying vegetables in it!

@Julie808 just spray, cut 1" +/- pieces, (cabbage slices, halved Brussels sprouts, etc) spray with a bit of olive or avocado oil, sprinkle &P on them, press Start. The sweetness it brings out is incredible!
I like to put parchment paper under things for really easy cleanup....Aldi has it next to the garbage bags,for some weird reason. They also just started carrying avocado oil in a spray and about 1/3 less than Walmart, exact same item.

@annewimsey500 Oh! You are so right! Last night, I air fried a medley of broccoli, sweet peppers and tomatoes, with tiny bit of olive oil and seasoning. So good! I just used some veggies I had stored in my freezer, not expecting much, but it was so tasty! So, then I went out and bought a whole lot of fresh vegetables. Can't wait to see what they all taste like over the next few days. Yummmm!


I got one for free, but I very seldom use it. I find it to be easier, faster and even easier to clean when I make the same stuff in my toaster oven as I would do in the air fryer. The few things I have enjoyed in the air fryer are frozen french fries, and chicken thighs. I can send you the recipe for the latter.

I don't have a toaster oven, so this air fryer is working well so far with no clean up. I'm glad not to have to fry something up on the stove or heat up my big oven for things to bake, and then having to wash those pans.

I have an abundance of paper coffee filters, which were gifted to me, 1000s of them, so I'm placing my food items on those paper filters. Game changer for me, a very lazy cook, and hate having to wash pans. 🙂

I'll likely find recipes for various food items as I go along. Thanks though!


No, but let us know how it has worked out. I suspect many others are interested in this gadget.

So far so good! I have used it 6 times in the past 2 days. I haven't had to turn on my stove or oven or clean any pots and pans. Tomorrow is grocery day and I'll likely find some new items to cook in it.

@Julie808 What sort of things do you cook? How does it work of veges?

@jackjr I'm just starting out with it, so I'm gathering ideas on what to cook. So far I've cooked fish, shrimp, beyond meat burgers, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, and this morning I made soft boiled eggs.

Last night I bought a bunch more vegetables and some salmon. I also bought sweet potato fries (frozen) on a whim, and those might be my "dessert" as I embark on my new kick of eating healthier and exercising more.

The veggies are so tasty, the way Anne suggested. I cut them up into bit sized pieces, drizzled a bit of olive oil on them and seasoned them, and I'm absolutely in love with the taste. (I used Montreal Steak Seasoning, since I have an abundance of that, but salt and pepper would taste just as good.)

I've got a bunch more stuff to try. I think having the novelty of a new way to cook things has inspired me to cook more for myself, and it doesn't seem as much of a chore but an adventure into some new tastes.

@Julie808 Thank you now I'm tempted to look into this machine. I do a lot of cooking, mostly from scratch and mostly organic (and all plant based). Cooking for one can be boring but I have found a way of doubly preserving some items so I don't have to do it as much. There new Netflix video, "You are what you eat" has provided an extra incentive to be vegan.

@jackjr I'm in love with vegetables again! I was getting bored eating steamed or raw vegetables, but I love the air fried vegetables, tossed with a little bit of oil and seasoning. Every meal, I can hardly wait until the next, not out of hunger, because I fill up on the vegetables so don't get hungry, but I just love the taste of this "new" way of cooking for me.

Cooking for one is a pleasure, with very easy cleanup. So far, my favorite is broccoli (less cook time) and cauliflower, so yummy air fried, sugar peas, even carrots air fried are tasty.

Yesterday I hard boiled some eggs in the air fryer - turned out perfectly. For lunch I had salmon and vegetables. I'm thinking tofu would even taste really good air fried. I still like my salads for raw vegetables that aren't good cooked. My goal was to eat more vegetables, and they taste so good in the air fryer, that I am eating way more than my goal. 🙂

I am a lazy cook, so this new way of cooking is an easy departure from the chore of my regular tired old habits and way less clean up after.

Since the appliance does the work and then tells me when to "turn" or "shake" the items in the basket, it gives me time to tidy up my chopping board, wipe down my counter, and if still more time, do some drainboard pushups or other exercises for the 4 minutes, or whatever left on the timer. That way I get my exercises in while the air fryer is cooking my meal to perfection!

@Julie808 Unfortunately, cooking for only oneself can be a bit depressing. It takes a special person to continue doing so. For me there are often ups and downs.
I go to Bellingham at least once a month and perhaps I should look into the air fryers. I'll check out the brands beforehand. Thank You for this little nudge.

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