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Wars over religion aren't fought by religious people. A truly religious person of any religion is going to be about love an kindness. Why fight over how we achieve love and kindness? There is no such battle to wage. So you should ask yourself, who's fighting these religious wars?

Drank_Spear 7 Mar 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Mmmm.... I'm not too sure about that. 😉 []


Who is fighting these religious wars? Various people that claim some sort of religion.


I am afraid that that is an ignorant statement lacking historical awareness of all of the religious wars of the world and the reality of the meaning of it all. Religion is a system of hate and an avenue towards total control over the masses and a surefire way of getting filthy rich without having to work for it. In other words, it is a mercenary's dream and a con man's way to wealth.

Religion is many things my friend. Seeing only 2 sides to infinity is not enlightenment.

@Drank_Spear, But it is the reality of it. By the way, you don't need to be religious to be a pacifist.

@MrDragon you don't need to be anything to be anything.

@Drank_Spear, however, this is your statement: "A truly religious person of any religion is going to be about love an kindness". So, in this conversation, you evidently need to be something. And that is what I was referring too.

@MrDragon I am referring to the spiritual aspect of any religion and not the cultural aspects of it.

@Drank_Spear, perhaps you should state that in your next correspondence.

@MrDragon Perhaps but I don't typically do that for a simple reason. Things will be taken as the reader takes them. I can lead the reader, however it's not my intention to lead anyone to a thought. It is simply my intention to lead them to thought.

@Drank_Spear, have you considered the fact that this is an agnostic site and most users here are atheists? It might not be productive to expect them to engage in discussions related to spiritual matters, especially since they don't believe in such things. Your point might not be clear to them. Unless you're looking for an argument, it might be best to avoid these kinds of discussions. Unless of course, you are a glutton for punishment and love controversies

@MrDragon I enjoy sparking thought. Do you feel as though agnostics are unable to think?

@Drank_Spear It's not mature to insult and put words in my mouth. Let's have an intelligent conversation instead. Or, is that beyond you scope?

@MrDragon I've done neither

@Drank_Spear Of course, that is what you would say."I understand your perspective, but why do you think that a website that is largely populated by atheists would be concerned with such things? People come to this site to avoid getting involved in meaningless discussions like this."

@MrDragon so avoid it

@Drank_Spear No better answer, huh?

@Drank_Spear Or, you can avoid me. Now, that is thought-provoking.

@Drank_Spear That's why I came to this site, genius.

@MrDragon I don't give a fuck why you came to this site or whether or not you'll stay or go. No one else does either.

@Drank_Spear Obviously, you do. You keep responding to me. Since you are incapable of holding any intelligent conversation, you stomp your little feet and pout like a child. So cute, and you have shown the depth of your own lack of intelligence. How cute. Now, as for what everyone else feels about me is totally irrelevant as you are. You need to grow up.

@MrDragon ok

@Drank_Spear: "Challenge accepted. I'll be around waiting for your posts now. There's nothing you can do to stop me, except block me, of course. But that would only prove how mentally weak you really are and unsuited to provoke any kind of in-depth thoughts since you have none."

@MrDragon ok

@Drank_Spear 🙂 😉🙂

@MrDragon he typically acts the same way with everyone here. He is currently slipping mentally from a messy divorce from a non faithful wife. He goes from being a nice pacifist/spiritualist to being the troll of the site by posting nonsensical posts like this or by numerous posts making fun of fat people.

@Tejas hilarious! My brother!

@MrDragon, @Drank_Spear he doesn't respond to me much anymore because I challenge his opinions with logic and reason. You'll find out he hates that

@Tejas Yes, I bow to your superior intellect my dear delusional friend.

@Drank_Spear it's about time

I am familiar with the deep pains of betrayal and the deep pains of the death of a love one, however, it is no excuse for bad manners or the miss treatment of others that literally have nothing to do with the issues that he is suffering from. He needs to grow up and stop being a hypocrite. I have a saying and it goes like this, if an adversary you make me, then an adversary I will be. That's what he wanted and that is what he'll get. So, be it as he wishes.
It's nice to make your acquaintance @Tejas.

@MrDragon thanks again for sharing what's in your head.

@MrDragon letting you know, as I do Tejas, that you are an asleep motherfucker is what I do. If you don't like it fuck off. This is my post. This site is where I go to tell asleep motherfuckers to wake up. This is my laboratory and you are my rats. Tejas is a very fine rat. You will make a fine rat as well.

@Drank_Spear LOL, so infintial. Grow up, sonny boy. My, you must have slept on this response for a
long time, and you are definitely an unintelligent, ignorant egotistical little shit. So, infintial.

@Drank_Spear No problem, my friend, I already knew yours. You're an easy read.

@MrDragon reading is only as good as what's in your mind my friend. You cannot read what you cannot comprehend, you can only comprehend what you can.

@MrDragon bless you my friend. I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you! Enjoy life!

@Drank_Spear, my child, all you're doing is parroting what others have already thought, and what you have presented is nothing new, in-depth, or original. Do you have anything of your own? If so, why haven't you presented that instead of what others have already thought of or written?

@MrDragon you take what is in your mind and try to give it to me. I don't accept it, keep it.

@Drank_Spear LOL, you're funny. You make me laugh. You think that you are so insightful and a real deep person and yet, you are only a very shallow surface dweller, who's ego is bigger than its brain.
So, infintial.

@MrDragon again with what's in your mind. I don't accept it. Keep it.

@Drank_Spear you're such an infant. I could almost feel sorry for you. You're so self deluded. You make me laugh. You're so amusing. I love the entertainment that you're providing me. Thank you.

@MrDragon you're welcome

@Drank_Spear don't stop now.


The Crusades?

spreading Jesus's word or spreading the current power structure?


Religious wars are fought by Religious people. Muslims yell "Allahu akbar", translated "God is great" roughly. Whilst they commit "Jihad", holy war. This post doesn't make much sense at all.

Tejas Level 8 Mar 3, 2024

War has never got anything to do with religion. That is only an excuse. It is always about power and money.


When the religious go too far into fanaticism, they tend to rationalize the raping, killing and pillaging, believing it is perfectly fine as long as they are "doing it for god".

I have seldom met a religious person who actually completely follows their own religious beliefs. Fanatics rationalize themselves out of following even more religious beliefs.

None of them think of themselves as "bad people", because they have made justifications (rationalizations) for not following their religion, and it seems OK to them if they are doing it for their god.


History would indicate that believers saw themselves as the religious faithful doing god's will and that this was the only way to create a peaceful and safe life for them and their families (none of those nasty heathens around for instance). yes it was usually manipulated from behind the scenes

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