There are very few books available on the subject. I am not aware of a more researched one than One Small Step? The Great Moon Hoax and the Race to Dominate Earth From Space by German researcher Gerhard Wisnewski, originally published in 2005, from which I will quote repeatedly.
There is also some valuable material, which I will not discuss here for lack of space, in Randy Walsh’s The Apollo Moon Missions: Hiding a Hoax in Plain Sight (Part I), published in 2018. His chapter 2 (reprinted in Nexus magazine) demonstrates that, as Kaysing suspected, the F-1 engines of the Saturn V rocket used in the Apollo missions did not have the fuel and the power required to send the fully loaded rocket (approximately 3,000 tons) into Low Earth Orbit. His chapter 3 details the navigation component of the Apollo Guidance Computer built by Raytheon and the impossible tasks it was expected to perform in order to safely navigate a manned mission to the Moon and back.