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War bitch zionist jew
DING DONG: Victoria Nuland Steps Down After Gateway Pundit FOIA Request
Victoria Nuland, the architect of the disastrous US Ukraine policy since 2014, will be resigning “in the coming weeks” after Gateway Pundit filed a FOIA request to find out what her role was in the death of US journalist Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine, an outspoken Nuland critic who was subsequently arrested and tortured in Ukraine.


1patriot 7 Mar 5

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Them being a "zionist" kind of makes calling them a jew redundant. Your hate for jews is showing.

Tejas Level 8 Mar 5, 2024

how come you sound like a liberal. they call themselves zionist Jews. they hide behind the Jewish religion of which many Jews are fighting Palestinians. I hold no hate but there again are you Liberal. i look for truth and i never understood this on conflict until now as the media never give a straight understanding if you have any news you should tell me them in steady of accusing me of hate that was a childish comment.....

just in case you think your a libertarian this part of the definition, Libertarianism is a family of views in political philosophy. Libertarians strongly value individual freedom and see this as justifying strong protections for individual freedom. Thus, libertarians insist that justice poses stringent limits to coercion. While people can be justifiably forced to do certain things (most obviously, to refrain from violating the rights of others) they cannot be coerced to serve the overall good of society, or even their own personal good. As a result, libertarians endorse strong rights to individual liberty and private property; defend civil liberties like equal rights for homosexuals; endorse drug decriminalization, open borders, and oppose most military interventions.

@1patriot thanks for the definitions of libertarianism. Is there a point to it? My comment was to point out it was redundant to call them jews after calling them zionists, just as I said. My views on the current conflict is irrelevant. I seem liberal to you because for some things I am for others I'm not. It's possible to have a variety of political opinions, from all sides.

@Tejas zionist jews are fake jews.


Her pussy and ass are huge by all the dicks that fucked her

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