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The definition of God depends on the level of awareness one has.

Drank_Spear 7 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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The definition of God depends on one’s imagination

It isn't wise or aware to put your feelings or thoughts upon others. It is your notion, it is not shared among humanity. It is also seen as a low vibrational thought. Subscribing a level of awareness to specific meanings is not the same.


Are you aware of any gods at this moment?

you've missed the entire point.

@Drank_Spear I'm just asking if YOU are aware of any gods at this moment?

@nogod4me I don't care what you're asking. Go fuck yourself.

@Drank_Spear what a baby

@Tejas do you wanna fuck yourself to? Are you feeling left out. I'm still laughing at you by the way. You're hilarious! Keep it up. Keeps my spirit high.


I'm aware the universe's origins were by natural means. No "God" is needed or wanted.

Tejas Level 8 Mar 5, 2024

of course it's natural. What are you fucking stupid?

@Drank_Spear considering how a majority of the planet believe in a diety even yourself it seems, means most people believe it's not natural

@Tejas you're not very bright if you think I believe in a deity.

@Drank_Spear you claim to be spiritual and more awake than the rest of us. So you definitely believe in some type of supernatural bs. By your numerous posts about nonsense, it's obvious you're not the bright one. Don't be mad at me for seeing through you're bullshit, like your ex.

@Tejas you refer to these things as bs and nonsense yet you cannot state what they are. Hilarious! You've done it again as per usual. You have my laughing and typing at the same time. Bravo my brother, bravo!

@Drank_Spear how am I referring to something but not stating what it is? You are so dumb it's unbelievable.

@Tejas ok


This is true. The less aware people are, the more likely they are to see imaginary dieties.

certainly and there is an awareness that transcends both deities and absence.

The "god of the gaps" fallacy does not just apply to the gaps in our scientific knowledge. It also applies to the gaps in our personalities, our lack of empathy, our lack of appreciation, understanding, rationality, honesty, all of these, and more, we label with the name " Our God".

@Fernapple We? Don't include me in your nonsense.

@Drank_Spear But you were the inspiration. Thank you anyway.

@Fernapple well now if I inspired thought I will most certainly take that compliment.


Yes certainly. The more aware you are the less god you see.

one could say the less it's on one's mind the less God they have. Like not hanging around websites dedicated to talking about how what they constantly think about doesn't exist.

@Drank_Spear look in the mirror


Which of the 5000 odd gods do you speak of?

puff Level 8 Mar 5, 2024

I speak of what you are unaware

@Drank_Spear I am aware I am not affected by any gods

@puff ok


or I could have replace 'awareness' with 'connection' although the two are not always the same.

That I could go with. not connection with gods but connection with other individual life forms. As we are all independent/ individual lifeforms ourselves. You don't connect with a "oneness", that's an oxymoron.
It's called empathy, the ability to connect. Can cause great pain, can give great pleasure.

@puff you have individual wisdom. Don't assume it works for everyone.

@Drank_Spear I don't anymore, I used to. I'm starting to f'n think the covid vax suppresses empathy in people. Seems to be gone completely in Israel, the highest vaccinated population there is. World is a lot more narky. People more self absorbed.
Not wisdom, just empathy. Was one of those "sensitive" children.


Or the depths of one's imagination and delusions such as yours. Child.

highly intellectual of you.

@Drank_Spear yes, and very true.

@MrDragon I just want you to know that it's OK to be who you are. You are loved.

@Drank_Spear you have a funny way of showing it.

@MrDragon If you don't FEEL loved then that's on you my dear brother.

@Drank_Spear still you a strange way of showing it, or that's just a pet phrase you love to use that is just as empty of any true meaning.

@MrDragon strange simply means in a way that you are unaccustomed to.

@Drank_Spear irrelevant.

@Drank_Spear, I am not the one with the problem of not feeling that I'm not loved, but you're the one with that problem, and it shows through your actions. You're a hypocrite.

I have no time for @Drank_Spear. I find him far too much of an intellectual lightweight.

@anglophone I see you are thinking about me again. I love you too.

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