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Evoloution of God

siamak 3 Mar 6

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Where is technology?


yes. fuck the secret. and toxic positivity.


Deities are made in the image of the society who creates or adopts them. The Jews needed a vengeful god who punished the enemies of the Jews. Later, a kinder and gentler god was needed/wanted was desired so Jesus was created.

The gods of Egypt, Sumeria, and the Norse (among others) were just humans with superpowers. They fought, bickered, had weaknesses, and even died.


The believers in each successive iteration generally consider all the predecessor gods as false gods. Now all we need to do is make the current generation understand that their god is just like all the rest.

Next step is A.I

@siamak Explain?

@Flyingsaucesir next God is A.I

@siamak That's a very different concept from all that has preceded it. AI is...

  • Obviously man-made technology
  • Accessible; can hold a conversation
  • Not omnipotent; it can't do everything
  • Not omnipresent; just turn off devices
  • Not omniscient; junk in, junk out

@Flyingsaucesir, all gods are man made. People can make a God out of anything that their imagination can conjure up.

@MrDragon Yes, but AI is explicitly man-made. There is no mystery about its origin. While it is true that all gods are also human inventions, they are purported to have divine origin, or simply to have always been. The only gods that are explicitly man-made are the superheroes we see in comic books and movies. I don't see AI ever gaining that mystical status. It is always going to be linked to some kind of device, and subject to fees, breakdown, loss, and theft, none of which are characteristics of gods.

@Flyingsaucesir Since you put it that way, I can't help but agree with you on those points.

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