I didn't write this PBS did
The false narrative(s) that is!
The trick here is going to be not trying to tackle too many topics at the same time. And quite a trick it appears to be.
I’ll try by citing some absolute facts. Whether it’ll work, or not, is yet to be seen.
It is an assumption on my part that an effort will be oncoming to portray President Trump as a Fascist pointing to the current massive immigrant invasion he intends to stop. This when leftist democrats want to distort what Fascism, or should I say Socialist Fascism, actually looks like. Fascism was/is lauded as just a better form of Socialism – one that idolizes the authoritarian state above all else – including its individual citizens.
That’s actually a distinguishing factor between Socialism and Liberty – the individual rights granted only by GOD I mean.
To a Socialist open borders appears to be only humane. But Socialism doesn’t keep count of the GOD ordained rights denied the individual in order to support their migrant invasion. Socialist never consider that the open border choice must be financed by theft from existing citizens. Or in the words of Barrack Obama “wealth redistribution” – but from who to who is the question that Socialists don’t want to answer.
Regardless of what these leftists contend, no where in the Bible does it authorize theft to altruistically redistribute to anyone – theft is now, and always will be theft.
And I’d like to call attention to the fact that the nation of Israel LEGALLY migrated (with permission) to Egypt for economic reasons. Or has that escaped everyone's notice?
A county isn’t a country without borders, but Socialist Globalism needs no borders, nor wants any.
The sexism against men is blatant beyond belief when Sanger tied a man’s income to his progeneration. Just one more historical sexist act against men.
Eugenics is a child of Socialism – both left and right Socialism! NOT MAGA Republicans. This alone should serve to tell you who Hitlers are among us.
Posted by: American Experience | PBS ~ 1 day ago ~ 174K views ~ 26K subs
“THE EUGENICS CRUSADE ~ American Experience | PBS”
The false narrative(s) that is!
The trick here is going to be not trying to tackle too many topics at the same time. And quite a trick it appears to be.
I’ll try by citing some absolute facts. Whether it’ll work, or not, is yet to be seen.
It is an assumption on my part that an effort will be oncoming to portray President Trump as a Fascist pointing to the current massive immigrant invasion he intends to stop. This when leftist democrats want to distort what Fascism, or should I say Socialist Fascism, actually looks like. Fascism was/is lauded as just a better form of Socialism – one that idolizes the authoritarian state above all else – including its individual citizens.
That’s actually a distinguishing factor between Socialism and Liberty – the individual rights granted only by GOD I mean.
To a Socialist open borders appears to be only humane. But Socialism doesn’t keep count of the GOD ordained rights denied the individual in order to support their migrant invasion. Socialist never consider that the open border choice must be financed by theft from existing citizens. Or in the words of Barrack Obama “wealth redistribution” – but from who to who is the question that Socialists don’t want to answer.
Regardless of what these leftists contend, no where in the Bible does it authorize theft to altruistically redistribute to anyone – theft is now, and always will be theft.
And I’d like to call attention to the fact that the nation of Israel LEGALLY migrated (with permission) to Egypt for economic reasons. Or has that escaped everyone's notice?
A county isn’t a country without borders, but Socialist Globalism needs no borders, nor wants any.
The sexism against men is blatant beyond belief when Sanger tied a man’s income to his progeneration. Just one more historical sexist act against men.
Eugenics is a child of Socialism – both left and right Socialism! NOT MAGA Republicans. This alone should serve to tell you who Hitlers are among us.
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
▪ extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior:
"an outright ban is just fascism"
▪ very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area:
"this is yet another example of health fascism in action"
Word Origin:
1920s: from Italian fascismo, from fascio ‘bundle, political group’, from Latin fascis (see fasces).
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