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Today, Good news! Jacob Rothschild is a goner.

Hell is filling with all the evil and devil leaders. The Reaper thought he would catch George Soros (94) next, or even King Charles who is sick with cancer, or the Pope who is looking half-dead already,
Jacob Rothschild finally died. May he rest in hell.

Along with Zbigniew Brzezinski (died 2017), David Rockefeller (2017), George Bush Sr (2018), Bill Gates Sr (2020), Prince Phillip (2021), Queen Elizabeth (2022) Charlie Munger (2023), and Henry Kissinger (2023). Who will be next quarry?

There’s 86-year-old Satan Klaus who has been Master of the World Enslavement Forum for the past 56 years. Bonkers Biden at 81, or Tony Fraudci (83) just for fun.

The Royals are pretty much depleted, unless you count Prince Phillip being reincarnated as a virus. King Sausagefingers is on the way out. Daughter-law Kate hasn’t been seen in months after a mystery abdominal surgery. Harry and William are weaklings. Andrew’s punishment for fiddling kids with Epstein seems to be being grounded forever. And, even the lesser royals are being picked off one by one, the most recent being Thomas Kingston, son-in-law of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, who has died suddenly aged 45.

It’s a beautiful thing. And, although it’s true that when one of these vermin dies there’s another waiting in the wings, their bloodlines are getting thinner and weaker. (It may be all that “family lurve”, right Jacob Rothschild?)

I’m thinking of Pudgy Gates, Bipolar Musk, and…ah…Soros who can barely speak and is just an all-out embarrassment to The Club and 100 times worse at the game than his father.

When you get through all their challenge levels of cyber attacks and financial collapse and Disease X and WWIII, their shields will be gone and all that will be left over are these weaklings to fight. Which, by the way, is what Rothschild means, Red Shield…

I guess that’s why they’re now building their bunkers with flammable moats. To keep out the great unwashed, and the zombies, and the very angry anarcho-survivors.

You can catch more on this in the TDV Newsletter that is going out tomorrow to members. Like, let’s say for a minute that the war between NATO and Russia is real. The US and NATO have given Ukraine carte blanche to bomb Russia. Putin’s comeback is a thinly veiled nuclear threat with allies like China and North Korea. Will it be a “Russian” nuclear attack that will set off the official start of WW3? Or, will it be a “Russian” cyber attack?

Whatever it is, I believe it’s going to be very soon. Sooner than we think. More about this in today’s good news video, as well as the Covaids scamdemic unraveling before our eyes; and BTC nearing an all-time high with both Ed Bugos.

The push backs and unveiling the truth must be working , I'm happier, how about you?

Castlepaloma 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Just because Jacob Rothschild died does not mean much. His successors were already well in place and doing their jobs. I do not see anything meaningful changing at the moment. The biggest news has been BRICS and how they are forcing change in the geopolitical and economical realms. The balance of influence and financial power is changing. Things for the western world will continue to decline most likely. The US empire is crumbling as unfettered capitalism has done what it does best. That is, it has extracted great amounts of wealth from the ordinary worker and the poor, and put it in the hands of the super wealthy such as the Rothschilds amoung others. We are likely seeing what a modern day ROMAN EMPIRE style collapse looks like as it unfolds around us.


Well, Praise Gawd il ive less than a quarter-mile from the main submarine-building facility in the world, and so will be at best a melted blot from Day One.


If you own any guns, please hand them in to your local police department.

The Nazis are trying to come back into old fascism.


What? You mean Bignose Brzezinski has died. At 94 you can bet that George Soros is behind something. I think Trumpers blamed him a few times.

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