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What I'd like to say to religious persons ...

snytiger6 9 Mar 12

Enjoy being online again!

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This is Absolutely the problem...if you want to be a fool and waste your life it is None of my business or anyone else's, and that is what is so great about the USA, or used to be.
The rise of the American Taliban is a HUGE problem!!!!!!!


I have a few people I know that need this. Thanks for sharing!!


Exactly! Columbo thought the natives were more useful than the blacks. He proved their slavehood in this and would cut off body parts if he had to. So much for Columbus Day.


They never seem to see their own short comings or the hypocrisy they show us. Their fear and egos keeps them blind.


yeah but you can all that about the nonreligious.

As usual, your statement is totally irrelevant and off topic. Not that anyone cares.

@MrDragon the next reply by you will get you banned.

@Drank_Spear fuk you asswipe. Coward. Hypocrite. 🖕

@MrDragon Much love to you sir.

@Drank_Spear thank you. I called your bluff. Either do what you said you would do, or shut the fuk up and shove your empty threats up your ass. Sir! Much love to you too.

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