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Guess what is now selling for $24.50 on Amazon


This has an imitation leather binding, maybe it is the cheap version.

Switchcraft 7 Mar 31

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I have my own, . . It's called "The Sceptic's Guide to the Bible". Rips apart all the b.s.


There actually are several versions on Amazon, one is the recent drump edition, one was written several years ago and is Sarcasm/Comedy, written at the beginning of the drump era...I think you may be looking that that one.

nope, I saw the sarcasm one also. Follow the link.

The God Bless The USA Bible is the ONLY Bible inspired by America’s most recognized patriotic anthem, God Bless The USA.

This American Bible invites you to explore God's word anywhere, at any time with easy-to-read clear print and a slim design. This Bible will deliver an inspiring experience in the patriotic American Standard Version translation. This Bible is perfect to take with you to church, or to Bible study, and to your work and on your travels. Let the world know you by your acts. As a true American Bible it also features:
Lyrics to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood
The US Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence
The Pledge of Allegiance
This Bible has a high quality cover made of imitation leather graphics achieving our discounted price.

@Switchcraft Man, I have always hated that song, as I do about all country music, but esp. that one, which I refer to as the redneck national anthem. Every July 4th or around then, whenever I am at a karaoke show, some fool always sings that one, and all the countrypoke, rednecks stand up and treat it like the national anthem before a sports event, hands over their hearts, etc. But this time I am ready for them, as a karaoke track manufacturer recently produced a version of the song by the San Fran 70s band, The Tubes, called Proud To Be An American, which has a much opposite view of the USA. Can't wait to sing it in their faces, as a counterpoint, after they have their inevitable singing of the Greenwood song, lol..

@TomMcGiverin I want to go to Karaoke with you!

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