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I would like to thank those that have welcomed me to this site. Simply put I believe we are born of and with Faith, and this Faith exists without the input of others Dogma. So when ever asked if I "believe" in "GOD", my reply is, as a verb or a noun. And as far as if I've found Jesus, didn't know he was LOST.

MrLee1950 4 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I believe we are born into societies with their own different cultures, and religions are part of those cultures. It's less a matter of finding Jesus if you're born into a Christian culture, it is more a case of him being thrust upon you.


He was hiding behind the couch. Go to countries like Mexico and Spain and there are sooo many people named Jesus. I once knew an ignorant church woman who complained that naming others Jesus like this was so shameful to the lord. It bothered her to hear "Hey sous." Yes, Jesus came with KJV English.

Really? She should visit any Muslim country and count the number of MOHAMMEDs....even the testy Muslims don't mind that one.

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