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How many here have dremt this?

Jolanta 9 Apr 6

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My water dreams are of rivers, lakes, blocking my way. I struggle to find a bridge in operating condition in order to cross.


That explanation fits the two women on my father’s side of the family who drowned themselves.


How many times do you want to drown? You've posted this about 3 times to many.

I know. Trigger happy. You don't need to worry any more though. I have seen my folly and rectified it.

@Jolanta it's a pita, "pain in the arse" how things don't rapidly post or indicate that it is in process. That way you wouldn't need to keep pressing the post button!,

@FrayedBear I have been trying to post a picture from my phone but it won’t let me.

@Jolanta that happens. I don't know if it's Telstra or the Ags site.

@Jolanta how big's the photo file? You're best editing them down to a manageable size.

@FrayedBear Not big at all.

@Jolanta 10 Mb is not big these days but the carrier services & this site are not keen on files that big.

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