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Putin recently opined that the real war was between intelligence agencies. Based on their behavior, the likelihood is high that the CIA has also been badly compromised by Putin. We'll never know how it happened. That's the point: nations respond to a Pearl Harbor. Slow infiltration goes essentially unnoticed.

As we learn more about the 'bank' that has offered to cover Trump's bond, it reveals how the system protects the most despicable degenerates with a network of protection and kompromat. Washington is like a giant Mexican standoff with everyone pointing guns at everyone else. In that circumstance, what chance is there for legislation to rein in the rampant corruption?

I'd like to believe in the rule of law, but we don't have it. It only applies to people like us, but for those with power, they get away with murder on a routine basis.

What we need is a billionaire lottery where, on a very consistent basis, by hook or by crook, billionaires get assassinated. They aren't subject to our rules, so extra-judicial termination is the only way the job can possibly get done...



racocn8 9 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I cannot disagree. Possibly for people who do not wish to pay taxes, the main factor which this is all about, they should not have any benefits or protection of the State. They would not be able to have their vehicles registered and no drivers license; no registration or licenses for their boats, ships, aircraft; no protection or services by all law enforcement agencies or judicial branches of government; no protection or services of the State Dept (no passport). Am surely missing some others. Banks. They essentially do not exist in the society since they do not contribute to the society's functioning. They can move to Russia.

I can dream 🙂


That lottery idea could be effective

Unity Level 8 Apr 9, 2024
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