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German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic
Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic.
In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s Covid lies and it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

More and more people all over the world are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths hell bent on destruction and domination.

Germany is no different. The German population suffered some of the most brutal lockdowns and vaccine mandates in all of Europe and now the people are rising up and demanding accountability.

Step forward Paul Schreyer and Multipolar magazine who launched a Freedom of Information request and then launched a lawsuit against the German government when they tried every trick in the book to keep the secret documents under lock and key.

1patriot 8 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, how about that!
What are you going to do about it now?
It's a done and over. It's like crying over split milk.

You're comparing split milk to the greatest destruction of our social and economics lives, in our lifetime since the great depression?

@Castlepaloma so, what? answer the question if you're that concerned.

hope you got all your death shots as we need to kill off the brain dead like yourself!

@1patriot, how infantile of you. It would help if you tried to grow up. I also noticed that neither of you answered the question. How typical.

@MrDragon did you drink the cool aid did you take the answer this question did any of your friends take this shot! as more and more people die you just don't care......i do! you just want say oh well and fucking walk a way! there i answer your silly question!

@1patriot As usual, you're avoiding the reality and the question. All this other shit that you're spouting out is just avoidance. And for your info, just in case you haven't noticed, I am still alive.
I'll repeat the question: what can you do about it?
I do hope that you read the Disclaimer before you post this bullshit. I did.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

@MrDragon disclaimer means fuck all people are still dyeing suddenly all over Alberta. some papers aren't even posting it any more. []

@1patriot then get vaccinated, pretty simple. However, you still haven't answered the question.

@MrDragon i am not as stupid as you, make sure you get all your booster to, they are #7 now!

@1patriot again how infantile of you, and you still avoid answering the question. Perhaps the reason you keep side stepping the question is because you know you're full of shit and like Dr. Oz you're just an alarmist that just wants to toot his little horn and make a big noise over nothing but you're own warped overworked imagination. Grow up.

@MrDragon i have no need to to argue with an ass hole so why would i entertain haven't said one thing that worth listen too i posted that the German government says and 15 other papers pick it up as well but hey your smarter than those papers in your mind....defiantly not a beautiful mind more of an asshole hole mind!

@1patriot so, infantile, I am laughing at your obsessive need to tell me that you don't care to argue with me but here you are and continue to show how childish you really are with your juvenile attempts to insult me. I find you amusing as you dance around me as a moth does to the flame of a candle.
Please as hard as it is for you to focus on the question answer it and stop fuking around. The answer is simple and very easy, even for you. Please try and be an adult.


why is it many media are saying, if it not true all your using is the fake fact checkers

How many hours a day do you spend online, Loser?

@LovinLarge you pig i just spent the the last 24 hrs driving so how many hours do you set your ass down on line!

@1patriot You're illiterate and can't distinguish between fact and fiction. No credible website would allow you to publish anything.

I lived in Calgary for 37 years. I do not see you fitting in there. Good thing your mom isn't using her basement.

@LovinLarge left home at 15 years old worth 20 million now! what you still living at home i bet. fucking notley lover! go sit in communist dark hole pig!

@1patriot I've never seen anyone online waste as much time posting utter nonsense as you do. It means your time has no value. You're middle aged with nothing going for you. Life just pretty much just passed you by, didn't it?

@LovinLarge you must be spending that same time as your commenting even thou you have fuck all to say, you post some shit notley lover is what i see lover of communism Jyoti Gondek (WEF} fact checkers are shit and you should know that! so just be a little smarter in the future....i am sure your not as stupid as you sound!


Fact checkers are the lowest credibility lol

Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic. In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences. []




Fact checkers are the lowest credibility lol





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