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It is hard to believe how badly the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been so badly interpreted, even by he courts. The entire text reads: " A well regulated militia, being necessary to the Security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

All that it says and means is that each state has the right to establish, maintain, and regulate a militia, formed from among the people. Accordingly, people have the right to keep firearms and join the militia as a member of that fighting force. That is what the phrase "bear arms" meant at the time that the Constitution was written.

It NEVER meant the right to carry guns, either concealed or hidden, on the streets o towns and cities., as that would and does allow people to try to bully, intimidate, or threaten others who choose not to carry guns. Further, the founding fathers could never anticipated either automatic or semi-automatic pistols and rifles, and would never have authorized the carrying c such weapons on our streets.

wordywalt 9 Apr 25

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A well regulated militia means a federal army. Not hot heads with male insecurities.


The US Supreme Court got it right. It’s the Democrats who appoint political judges who don’t believe in it who are trying to undermine the 2nd amendment.


And that's how we ended up with a country where mass shootings, school shootings, and gun violence are an everyday event.

Try saying that emotional defectives @Alienbeing and @Trajan61.

Your chances of being struck by lightning are greater than being shot by a mass shooter so perhaps we should pass a law making it unlawful for anyone to go outside during threatening thunderstorms. Here in the US you have the right to use lethal force defending yourself against a criminal.

@Trajan61 No, that's incorrect. About 300 people are struck by lightning in the U.S. each year and about 50 of those are killed. Excluding suicides, there were more than 18,000 firearm deaths in the U.S. in 2023. And you are far more likely to be murdered by someone you know (about 90% chance) rather than a complete stranger.

And if guns make us safer, then why isn't the U.S. the safest country in the world? Wyoming is the state that has the highest gun ownership per capita yet has the third highest rate of gun violence per capita.


Your law degree is from where?

As a law professor said in one of my classes "The Constitution says what the Supreme Court says it says."

Since I am sure the various Courts who have addressed this matter have considerably more Constitutional knowledge than you, I'll stick with what they say.

If you don't like the ruling, go for a Constitutional Amendment.

Do you have to be so offensive in your responses to other members ?

Well said!

@ThinkingFree The Madman from Mars, a.k.a. @Alienbeing, has catastrophic defects of personality which cause him to behave in that manner.

@anglophone Your usual meaningless reply is noted. When you can illustrate that you have any knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, or our Customs or laws do so.

Until then you remain a fool.

@ThinkingFree I am VERY abuse to @anglophone becaue he continuously insults my country with no basis while always showing ignorance of the subject in question.

In other words he deserves nothnig except scorn.

@Trajan61 Thank you


P.S. A well regulated militia requires the presence of commanding officers. The venal and dangerous members of Congress have chosen to deny that fact.

More uninformed garbage from an alien who has no legal background.

@Alienbeing But is well educated and a whiz at research.

@Betty Thank you. See also my reply to @ThinkingFree above.

@Betty Not at all educated in American laws.

@Alienbeing If you knew of his research capabilities you might change your mind.

@Alienbeing Your strangde verbage is truly aluien.

@wordywalt For an ex-teacher you sure spell poorly. Last, nothing I siad even implies "strangde verbiage"

@wordywalt, @Betty His research capabilities are limited, and bias at best.

@Alienbeing You are entitled to your opinion, ill-informed though it is.

@Betty It is very well informed. I challange you to cite anything he said that shows he knows U.S. Constitutional law.

@Alienbeing You have your opinion, so I will not try to change that.
I am well aware of @anglophone intensive and thorough research capabilities and will put my trust in his conclusions. You can do as you please.

@Betty Welcome to @Alienbeing's hyper aggressive personality and the underlying schemas that drive it: [] .

@anglophone Nah, I merely point out that you have no clue of American Laws and Customs so all you really do is mouth off.

Your post clearly show all you have is talk, no factual basis at all.

@Betty As I previously said, if you can show one instance (just one) where anglophone shows he has any understanding of U.S. laws I would change my mind That is NOT an opinion, it is an opening for you to show he actually knows something.


Welcome to the efforts of the National Reprobates Association, formerly presided over by LaPierre and now by Charles Cotton.


I love your interpretation Walt & wished for everyone's safety that was how it had remained.

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