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Yesterday, I counted the quilts (stacked in a spare bedroom) which need to be quilted: there were seven.

Now, there are eight.

There are over 20 completed ones between that bedroom and another (probably closer to 25).

I am not going to stop quilting, so maybe it is time to buy a larger house. Someday, when I am not teaching six classes, I will try to sell them.

Definitely a first world problem.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Apr 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Unfortunately, unless you have a prize-winning quilt, you cannot get very much for them. People do not understand the time, work, or resources expended to creat textile art.

Yup! I keep intending to enter them in local contests, but then, I get caught up in grading and forget to do so. I know that no one is making quilts like mine, but still, people do not understand how much time goes into hand quilting.

On the other hand, I'm going to have to do something with them someday.

@Gwen_Wanderer Be sure to enter them before you try to sell. And please post photos!

@KateOahu I just tried to post a picture and got an "upload error"!

@KateOahu I posted some pictures on my profile. They look MUCH better in person. Just drop in sometime and I'll be happy to show all 20 to you. (Grin.)

@Gwen_Wanderer They’re great!. I know the colors would look better in person.

@KateOahu thanks!



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