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Gonorrhoea and syphilis is at record levels. Wear a condom.

Jolanta 9 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Did you know that for 2+ decades now women over-62 are the biggest group of newly-diagnosed HIV-positive people?
No condoms, too many women, too few men explains it.
And sadly they are the Slowest to get diagnosed as "you're too old for sex" so they suffer more.

Viagra falls!

@LenHazell53 Which just goes to prove that stupid, and vanity, is as stupid does.
FFS why is it women can't learn with maturity? And I'll guarantee that the majority of hiv infections came from women not men.

@LenHazell53 Moravian recently made an excellent post on the woman trap\myth.

I have been trolled by much younger guys on Plenty if Fish thinking sex will be safe with an older woman...they look so upset when I tell them the CDC Facts....and then i never bear from them again...I hope they got tested!


What's sex?

Yes I remember that, I think, something to do with a lot of money and effort, mutual disappointment and a lot of nagging afterward about decorating.
Or was that just my first marriage?

@LenHazell53 "did you orgasm dear? I thought you said something?"
"No, I didn't, I said Len, @Jolanta,@HippieChick58, et al, that the ceiling needs painting!"


I have been celibate for quite a few years, haven't had a date since before the pandemic. I don't think anything is going to be changing soon, and now I believe that to be a good thing.

I've been celibate since my wife's accident, it's amazing how much time it frees up and is a lot easier on the knees.

@LenHazell53 Positive outlook there, bud.

@HippieChick58 Much as i miss it, I’m in the same boat. I can guarantee there would be some testing before I’ll be having sex with anyone.

I am sure it has all rusted up.

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