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This morning I attended the Hawai’i Secular Society monthly seminar at Panya Bistro & Bakery at Ward Center in Honolulu. We had an excellent discussion about separation of church and state. I’m really grateful to have this Meetup group easily accessible. They also have monthly social get-together and an online book discussion. i came home with an FFRF monthly newspaper and a borrowed book, “THE FOUNDING MYTH Why Christian Nationalism is UN-AMERICAN”, which came highly recommended. []

KateOahu 8 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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This book is also on Audible, for those of us who like to listen while we rest our eyes. I remember enjoying this book a few years ago. Good one! I'm glad the Hawaii Secular Society is still going. I used to fly over once in a while to participate in events.


It would be such a great asset to many on here if there was a link for something like that.. meaning meet up groups like the one you are referring to. I saw this documentary on CNN about Christian Nationalism. Talk about scary bat shit crazies heading up that crap. I shutter at the thought about the future generations growing up into all this and those that want to be religion free and being condemned for it. Almost like the Salem witch trials all over again.

Go to and sign up. It will tell you local groups, or you can search using keywords like secular, humanist, atheist, etc.

@KateOahu I have tried that and being in a rural middle of nowhere land, there isn't much offered. Its really sad to say that people away from the larger cities don't have that luxury of finding things like that much. They start up and then fizzle out fast. 😟


You are so right, Kate !! The founding fathers were people who left countries to avoid having religion forced on them, and many were, in fact, atheists/agnostics/humanists. This country was NOT founded on christianity.


I fully agree that religion should be kept well away from politics but the expression "un American" interests me. I have heard it used in several contexts but what does it mean ?

Just another talking point.

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